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Magickal Musickal Links

Artists Featured Hitherto

Greetings and salutations, music-lovers and others! I am the pseudonymous dana_lyric, and welcome to my link page! I realize that pages with just links on them are B-O-R-I-N-G, so I thought I'd perhaps write a little about each FANTASTIC artist on this page.

The Indigo Girls, Amy Ray and Emily Saliers, are from Decatur, Georgia. They are very intelligent song-writers, and killer on the harmony and guitars. They have been around since the '80's, but are just now beginning to enter the mainstream of music. Frankly, I'm not entirely sure that I like hearing "Closer to Fine" on the radio. Rather seems like blasphemy. But whatever. These ladies are really tops, and to put the icing on the cake, word has it that they're lesbians! We LOVE gay folks here at dana_lyric central!

Sarah McLachlan, pixie-extraordinaire, hails from Canada, our friendly neighbor to the north (not sure what province she's from. Someone care to fill me in?). She's the drive behind Lilith Fair, that great female answer to Lollapalooza and H.O.R.D.E. Her music is awesomely great, and I always tend to listen to it when I'm writing in my journal. She is also beginnning to enter the mainstream, and again, I'm not sure I like hearing "Possession" on the radio. But as long as people like her, that's fine! She, however, is not a lesbian. She is married, but hey! We love straight folks at dana_lyric central too!

Ani DiFranco is not a pretty girl, but she surely is a wonderful one. At least THIS femme hasn't busted into the radio! Her lyrics are so ka-pow! She's amazing! I always listen to Ani when I'm upset. Her songs always seem like they're written just for me, especially "Untouchable Face" and "Overlap." She really gets to the heart of things. Man, she just fucks with the guitar! It's quite astounding.

Sting is the man. What can I say? He is the man. He's got it going on. The only thing I can chide him for is letting Puff Daddy do that wretched re-make of "Every Breath You Take." He's the englishman in New York. He's the best.

Simon and Garfunkel are unbeatable. Nothing makes me feel better than listening to the feelin' groovy song on a sunny day. They do upbeat, they do mellow, they do rebellion, they do it all. Paul and Art are the '60's boys that keep on rockin'. Fantastic lyrics and melodies, and Art's tenor is just lovely. Who doesn't like Simon and Garfunkel?

Barenaked Ladies are also from Canada. I don't know a whole lot about them, besides the fact that I love them. Their songs are just so much fun to listen to. My personal favorite is "If I Had A Million Dollars." I read somewhere that a lot of Canadians don't listen to them. I wonder why not. Care to enlighten me, anyone?

Down at the bottom of this page are links to my favorite movies as well. They're stock favorites; The Princess Bride, Labyrinth, The Neverending Story, Ferris Bueller's Day Off -- the list will grow as I find pictures and places to link them to. Please support the popularity of the movies by going to these sites!

Also, please take the time to fill out this exciting, easy and fun survey. It's pretty neat!

No, just kidding. It's the links.

Firstly, the Indigo Girls, Amy Ray and Emily Saliers.

And their links:

  • Indigo Girls - guitar tabs and pics
  • Lifeblood: A Collection of Indigo Girls Information - appearances, articles, lyrics, releases, misc.
  • Epic Center: Indigo Girls -- updates, vid/aud clips, discography, biography, message board, tour dates, pics, press file, fan club, diary, misc.
  • Indigo Girls Guitar Chords -- duh, guitar chords!
  • Wall of Sound: Indigo Girls -- news, reviews, releases, interview, features
  • Indigo Girls Tour Muuseum and Collectibles Archive -- museum, shop, links, chat, news
  • Indigo Girls Pictures and Sounds -- well, it's pretty much pics and sounds, people!
  • Planet Indigo -- albums, mailing list, humor, links, misc.
  • Indigo Girls lyrics -- incredibly enough, it's lyrics!
  • Indigo Girls -- links, interviews
  • All Things Indigo -- news, sounds, pics, misc.

    Secondly, Sarah McLachlan

    And her links . . .

  • The Official Sarah McLachlan Page -- this page has it all
  • Fumbling Towards Sarah McLachlan -- cool layout, links
  • Sarah McLachlan Images -- original artwork and scanned images
  • Lisa's Sarah McLachlan Page -- news, music, lyrics, multimedia, pics, FTE, links
  • A Sarah McLachlan Page -- info, sounds, lyrics, pics, links
  • Christian's Sarah McLachlan Page -- info, lyrics, pics, links
  • Sarah McLachlan: Building a Mystery -- lyrics, links, RealAudio, MIDIs, images, photo album, Lilith Fair '98 tour dates
  • The Sea of Waking Dreams: A Sarah McLachlan Page -- news, articles, pics, mailing list info
  • The Quiet Touch of Solace -- early Sarah articles
  • SarahSpace: The Sarah McLachlan Pages -- albums, biography, chat, catalog, mailing list, newsletters, pics, tour dates, sounds
  • Sarah McLachlan Guitar Archive -- chords, tabs, etc.

    Thirdly, Ani DiFranco

    And her links . . .

  • Celia McCoy's Ani DiFranco Page -- info, pics
  • Duncan and Michelle's Ani DiFranco Page -- this one has it all. but be warned - it takes a long time to load
  • John's Ani Page -- discography, links, tour dates, sounds, pics, articles, merchandise
  • Lisa's Ani DiFranco Page -- pics, songs, links
  • Sarah's Ani DiFranco Page -- news, tour dates, quotes, links, lyrics, merchandise, articles, pics, downloads
  • Ujamaa'a Ani DiFranco Page -- news, sounds, albums, links, mailing list
  • Another Ani DiFranco Page -- lyrics, articles, multimedia
  • Ani DiFranco Lyrics -- just lyrics, all lyrics
  • Absolute Ani -- pics, links, bootlegs, lyrics, reviews, tour dates, discography, audio/video files, articles, interviews
  • Anitabs -- Ani guitar tabs, for you guitar freaks
  • AJ's Not A Pretty Ani -- articles, links, lyrics, news, misc.

    Fourthly, Sting

    And his links . . .

  • Zenyatta Regatta - Sting FAQ, Police FAQ, lyrics, sounds, concert reviews, survey
  • The Seas of Silence - articles, bio, discography, filmography, downloads, pics, quotes, links, lyrics, sounds, videos, guitar tabs
  • The Island of Souls - discography, lyrics, pics, interviews, sounds, links
  • StingChronicity - reviews, interviews, discography, bootlegs, fan club info, multimedia, pics, links
  • Ten Sumner's Tales - bio, sounds, albums, lyrics, pics, links
  • I Burn For You - picture gallery
  • Calling Sting - links, fun survey
  • Sting pictures - pictures, duh
  • Ugly Sting Page - rareties and b-sides
  • Sting Celebsite - links, info, bio

    Fifthly, Simon and Garfunkel

    And their links . . .

  • A Brief History of Simon & Garfunkel - just a history of the two
  • Hans Scharler's Simon & Garfunkel Page - info, links
  • Simon & Garfunkel - songs, multimedia, discography
  • Paul Simon and Art Gurfunkel FAQ - just the faqs, ma'am
  • Simon & Garfunkel at Rockhall - info, multimedia
  • Simon & Garfunkel Home Page - news, guitar tabs, quotes, discography, biography, lyrics, pics, MIDIs
  • Paul Simon & Garfunkel - info, albums, songs
  • Simon & Garfunkel Album Reviews - reviews, duh!
  • Simon & Garfunkel Page - tabs, MIDIs, looks like a promising site
  • Simon & Garfunkel Guitar Tablatures - well, it's guitar tabs. What did you expect?

    Sixthly, Barenaked Ladies

    Links to follow . . .

    In the meantime, go here for R.O.U.S. action

    Or, take a jaunt here for some goblin lovin'

    Or hop a flying desk-set to this site to observe that society of dead poets

    Ah, the best movies in the world are those that never end. Vive Fantasia!

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