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A HedgeHog and 2 Rats? Oh my!

My sons, Chris and Steven, have ~ shall we say, exotic tastes in their pet choices? Chris has a lovely hedgehog, if hedgehogs can be called lovely, and Steven has 2 rats (yes, his Dad finally got over the idea of rats as vermin!).

Mr Prickles

Well I think it's a good name! I named this little hedgie, since Chris never could decide on an appropriate name for the little fellow! Mr Prickles is definately a nocturnal kinda guy ~ but should someone want to play with him late in the evening, he shows what a fun little guy he can be. Caution must always be shown when tickling the tummy of a hedgie, lest your finger be caught on that tummy should he decide to ball up!!! OUCH!


Chocolate is definately the boss in his rat world. He has a great personality, loves to crawl on any available shoulder, and is quite impressed with strawberries as treats!


Jack is such a nice little rat ~ Jack enjoys the shoulder carry, as does his friend, Chocolate, and he's also the keeper of the nest - they have a box and tissues that they sleep in, and Jack always seems to be the one that makes any new box ready for the evening ahead.