C L O V E R ' s H O M E P A G E
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C L O V E R ' s H O M E P A G E

Hi, my name is Clover and I'm a lil labrador pup!! I am 8 months old, and I am very BIG. I weigh 85 pounds and am 22 inches at the shoulder. I am currently training so that I can hunt when I get a little older. My friend Ryan says that I am doing good at retrieving and finding things in bushy areas. I get really happy when I find that dummy and I bring it back. I have lots of friends--both people and dogs, but I don't like cats because every time that I go to introduce myself to them they run like a bunch of seaguls at the park. I would just like to get to know them. Oh well, I guess dogs are better than cats. My favorite friend is CoCo. CoCo is a lab,Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and husky all in one (i.e. a mixed breed dog). She is almost 2 and I am bigger than her. I like her best because I see her a lot. Another friend of mine is Moon. Moon is half lab and half golden retriever, but she is all black. I see her a lot when I go on walks because I walk by her house. Me and her like each other a lot. My favorite little dog is Bart. Bart is a brown miniature dashaund and he lives next door. When I am outside playing in the front I like to go over and say hi to him. Bart owns a very nice lady named Beth. I really like Beth because she gives me carrots just about every day and if she doesn't give me one that she has her granddaughter Katherine give me one. I just love living next to Beth! I also like to meet new friends at the park, there are these two Lapso aspos that are fun to chase and knock over, and I have met many others. Oh yeah, I forgot about this really annoying cocker spaniel that lives across the street. She always is biting me, I think one of these days I am going to show her who is boss. I love to swim. I also like to poke my head into the shower when someone is in it. I loved the beach this summer, I got to go swimming, I went to Seaside, OR and got to play there for a while and I also went to Fort Stevens in Astoria, OR. Fort Stevens is really neat. They have a fort with gun enclosures, old WWII tanks and a lot of stuff to see. I think Fort Stevens was used to keep the Japanese away during WWII or something because some of that stuff looked pretty old. The best part of the trip was the car ride, that was AWESOME. Well see ya I have to go eat.

Clover's Links

HOFLIN LABRADOR HOMEPAGE--Lots of lab stuff, links, and you can even sign up to be on the Labrador E-mail list (lots of good info on labs)
American Kennel Club (AKC) Homepage
Lucky Labrador Brewing Co. Portland, OR--The best brewing company in Portland! (I can go there when I turn 3)

Email: bauerboy@juno.com