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  Kate's Vampire Page 

I have been playing Vampire: The Masquerade since June of 1996. In my first game,  I played an anonymous neonate being forced through the creation rites of the Sabbat. A harrowing introduction, to be sure, but the next game I played was Live Action. My first real character was Katrine, a Toreador in Eugene By Night. I created her as a quiet, observant character, mostly to watch and see how the game worked.  Unfortunately, two other characters didn't want that to happen. Someone started a rumor that Katrine was a Sabbat spy, and she was murdered by a Gangrel late one night. Pissed off because the guys in question had cheated (they took advantage of my ignorance and didn't give me an action turn), I decided that perhaps I ought to make the rumor true, in a way. I created a new character named Amethyst who was a Toreador anti-tribu posing as a Camarilla Toreador. She was actually the "Bishop's wife" as my husband was playing that role. We had great fun and vengeance was served. I haven't been playing much since then, except in a few tabletop games, two in particular were excellent. Both were Elder games (since I learned more about the system, I love playing elders), in one I played the favorite childer of the Toreador primogen in (wherever the game was set- I don't remember). I owned a nightclub, had two beautiful ghouls (Alec and Alexandria, brother and sister) and jammed onstage with Concrete Blonde. :) My storyteller of that game liked giving me fantasy storylines like that to have fun with.   My favorite character, though, is Alvar, a Gangrel Elder that is the keeper of Washington Park in Portland Oregon. Her beast trait was feathers on her back, but she had a falcon familiar that tended to them for her, as well as other tasks. She was awesome. Back in the live action days, we played an occasional tabletop too, and one of my favorite characters from then was a rough and tumble Ravnos chick with a converted RV and heavy firepower.  Another favorite was an Urmen Ravnos named Feather, a pixie-ish girl who was embraced just outside Woodstock (the original concert) and still looks like she lives in the sixties. I have been hoping to get involved with Portland By Night (as soon as it starts up), and have created a Toreador character for it. It's been awhile though, so I don't remember much about her. I recently got to play Amethyst again in the Eugene troupe LARP game, it was a blast. Another favorite character of mine was a Lasombra catburglar. She was fun to play. My husband is thinking about starting up a "SteamPunk" game with vampires, and I have created a Gangrel for that one. I'm not sure about running in one of my husband's games, though. See, he wants to prove to the other players that he's not playing favorites by overcompensating and being really mean to me! Well, we'll see how it goes.
I hope to add more to this page as time progresses, so bookmark me
and check back in periodically... :)


  White Wolf Home Page: The Official Scoop

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  The Book Of Nasty:Dirty Tricks And Survival Tactics(Temporarily Down in wake of the 9/11 tragedies)

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 Rick's Vampire Page

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I just made a Toreador Clan Desktop Theme..539K, zipped.

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Last Updated 12/14/03