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Publish a Horoscope : Go to Jail

This came across my machine today and it made me think of you, particularly the part about getting into trouble for having worked out the horoscope for Jesus. Should perhaps give you a giggle or two.

The "Gambling Scholar" He was famous in the 16th century for his skills as an astrologer, inventor, mathematician and philosopher. But Gerolamo Cardano, nicknamed the "Gambling Scholar" for his ability to calculate his odds of winning, was proudest of his accomplishments as a physician. He made important discoveries while researching tuberculosis, asthma and venereal disease but was shunned by the medical community for writing a public criticism of many of the medical practices of the time, including the overprescription of medicines. Cardano, who was born on this date in 1501, was arrested in his later years for publishing a horoscope of Jesus. He accurately predicted his own death on September 21, 1576, by committing suicide.

email from Cary K. Sept. '98