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  • About the Organisation
  • Where is the Plant will be Constructed
  • Stop Export Nuclear Power Plant to Indonesia

    Email: giat_solo@iname.com

    Contact person : Nana suhartana (Mr) Tel & Fax : 0062-271-632243 Email : giat_solo@iname.com or giat_solo@hotmail.com Bank's name : Danamon Bank, Solo-Gatot Subroto Branch INDONESIA Account no : 051.090-05725.6


    GIAT (Energy for the People) was established in 1993. The secretariat is in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia. This organisation was positioned as a place to become a bridge of student activist to enter to the NGO's world in servicing the communities. Mostly members of GIAT come from student activists. Some members also come from NGO's activists. The aim is to collect idiological point of views to the intregated justice.

    It is a small organisation, the ambition is to create a huge opinion in the community and they are aware of the danger when the nuclear power plant to be constructed in Muria Peninsula, Central Java, Indonesia. The aim is to create awareness of the community and to give objective understanding in case nuclear power plant will be constructed in Indonesia. The target is to build a movement to halt NPP. Giat also informs about alternative choice of energy. The organisation already exist and supported by the community and other organisations.

    The program of GIAT is especially to organise the community. Some programs run by GIAT are discussion, workshop, training, publication and on spot observation in Jepara. We plan to develop some researches on alternative energy resources which is practical to the community. The activities above are funded local community and other domestic organisations.

    There are other organisations in Indonesia which also work for the same issue. Some works in local community in the "first ring" of Jepara and GIAT which is placed at about 150 km from the location, GIAT works for the "second ring" of the community around Central Java. This is how we cooperate with other organisations, and the rapid understanding about this issue in the community will create bigger impact to the goverment's policy in Indonesia. However, as a mass organisation, GIAT also works in networking system with other organisation in indonesia as well as other countries. GIAT still try to find more partners to work in this issue to halt what is planed by the Indonesian goverment to construct nuclear power plant, even as the last alternative, because we realise, that Indonesia which is rich of energy resources will never lack of it, even for the next two decades.




    About the Organisation


    Jepara  is  known  as a place of hand-made  crafts  teak  wood industry.  It is very famous in Indonesia and already  exported to  some  countries.  Jepara is about 60 km  to  the  north  of Semarang,  the  province capital of Central Java.  There  is  a inactive  mountain  called  Muria.  Java  island  lies  at  the conjunction of three tectonic plates, the main structural units of the earth surface. US Geological Survey indicates that  Java to  be  the second most active of  nine  international  seismotectonic  zones. The danger of geological risk,  faulty  design and  human  error  are  serious  problems,  unfortunately,  the Indonesian government chooses nuclear power plant is "the  best and cleanest" energy.

    Indonesia really do not have the technical expertise to operate safely  a  nuclear  plant and all  the  associated  activities, including  transportation and disposal of  extremely  dangerous materials. It seems that after the western countries refused to construct another nuclear plant, they will export their experts and  of course their "new" design to the developing  countries, including Indonesia. The  government's  plan is to spread industry in  Java  island. There  are  two main industrial estates in West Java  and  East Java,  however  she  plans  to develop  in  Central  Java.  The argument is that both side of Java island already complex  with problem  (environment and labour), but Central Java is less  of environmental problem and the cheapest wage of labour.

    There  was a debate of the site for the plant. Since  1976  the government  was  already  run  the  feasibility  study.  Jepara regency  is  the proposed site. Some researches  were  done  in Ujung Watu, Grengengan and Ujung Lemah Abang villages. And this feasibility  study  was developed in 1987.  Some  international companies   were   involved,  Framatone   (French),   Kraftwerk (Germany),  AECL, Mitsubishi Heavy Inds. (Japan),  Westinghouse (U.S.),  Ansaldo (Italy) and Motor Columbus (Switzerland).  The bid was very tight as many companies involved in this work.

    The last feasibility study was done by NewJEC, a subsidiary  of Kansai  Electric Co. under the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.  It took  4.5 years with the total budget of 1.5 billion  Yen.  The fund came from Japan 85% and Indonesian government 15%. In 1992 the  NewJEC  tried  to get loan from  Japannese  ODA  (Overseas Development  Assistance),  however  the  Japanesse   protested. Finally she got assistance from the Japanesse EXIM Bank at  the amount  of USD 15 million. While the Indonesian side was  taken from the project budget of the BATAN (National Atomic Agency).

    The  Indonesian  government refuses to release  the  result  of feasibility study, even the NewJEC was warned not to publish it to  the Japanesse. The ministry of Environment was  angry,  as they were not involved in the feasibility study, and they found some  environmetal aspect had been ignored in  the  feasibility study. Recently the parliament approved the nuclear  regulation offered by the government. It will smooth the way to  construct NPP,  as  the regulation tends to company's  benefit  and  take aside  a  referendum  which  is one  of  IAEA's  conditions  in constructing NPP.

    The  government already proposed Ujung Lemah Abang village.  It is the final choice of the first 600 Mw nuclear plant. The area owned  by  the government as a chocolate plant.  It  helps  her because it avoids the land compensation issue. Since 1981,  the Japanesse experts worked in this vilage, and recently there are many  foreigners  come  to the  village.  The  government  also prepared the next village of Bondo. They are constructing Steam Electric power. It seems that this power is planned to  support the  construction  of the first nuclear plant  in  Ujung  Lemah Abang village.

    It  is  very  difficult  to halt the  plan  of  the  Indonesian government to construct the nuclear power plant, even when  all domestic  organisations and the community are  united.  Another support  from outside is needed. One thing you are able  to  do is,  join us now to campaign this issue to your  community,  to strengthen our solidarity to halt export of nuclear power plant to  developing  countries,  including Indonesia.  Any  kind  of supports are welcomed to: GIAT


    Where is the Plant will be Constructed


    Indonesia  has  many  natural  energy  resources  that   aren't optimally  evolved.  The scheme of energy  development  in  the community   is  inefficient  and  worst  of  all,   Indonesian government  agrees to construct NPP in Jepara,  central  java. Eventhough  they say that NPP is the last alternative,  we  are aware  that  they  will  positively  construct  NPP  in   Muria Peninsula.  If  this  happens, it will be a  nightmare  to  all Indonesian and neighbouring countries. As western countries and Japan  realize the danger of NPP and try not to  construct  new NPP  in  their own countries, they compete to export  this  old fashioned  technology to the developing countries. The  problem is,  if  this  idea  suceeds,  Indonesia  will  be  the   first developing  country which imports NPP and will be  followed  by other  countries. That is way, the first export of NPP must  be halted otherwise it will spread to other developing countries.

    It  is a new decade when the comminity of  developed  countries refuse  to  live side by side with Nuclear Power  Plants.  Some developed countries already aware the danger of NPP and try  to develop  another  energy resources, but not  to  nuclear.  Some communist and ex-communist countries can not afford the  budget of  NPP. We see how the Ukraine government can not  expense  to close the nightmare of Chernobyl plant, even for the G-7  which promises to expense the closing of Chernobyl, they can not  fix the date, but only predict that in 2000 they will pay the  cost of Chernobyl's decomisioning.

    The nuclear experts in developed countries are worried when the time  comes  to an end, there is no more nuclear  plant  to  be constructed in their areas (and the community against it).  The experts  from  communist  and ex-communist  countries  are  now unemployed.  They  are  also  human  being  like  us  who  have ambitions to survive with their skills. Then what will they  do ?

    The best choice is, find a new market. Come to Asia, where  the industry is developed and the governments have ambitions to run after  the  industrialised countries in western  countries  and Japan  and the community is still easy to be reigned  by  their own governments and there is no nuclear experts.

    In  South-east  Asia, the Philippine plans to  reconstruct  the Westinghouse  Bataan's  nuclear  power  plant.  The   Thailand Kingdom  also  plans to construct NPP, the  government  already proposed  the  area for the feasibility study.  The  Indonesian government already finished the first feasibility study of  the Muria's   NPP.   The  regulation  already  finalised   by   the parliament.  Even when the government says that it is the  last choice  of energy resource, we realise that Indonesia has  many kinds  of natural energy resource. It will never end, even  for our grand grand childs.

    So, what can we do, there is only one word, say NO to Nukes. If  you  need  more information or have any idea  and  want  to support  our movement, all contributions are  welcomed,  please contact us now. The Energy for the People (GIAT) Contact person: Nana Suhartana (mr) Tel & Fax no. : 0062 - 271 - 63 22 43 E-mail address: giat_solo@iname.com or giat_solo@hotmail.com Bank's name :

    DANAMON Bank, Indonesia (BDI) Solo, G. Subroto Branch Account no. : 0 5 1 . 0 9 0 - 0 5 7 2 5 . 6 Back

    Stop Export Nuclear Power Plant to Indonesia