I Want Money
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I Want Money


There are reportedly some simple formulae
for attaining riches, fortunes, the good life.
And there are simple stories about how impossible,
how evil, how politically incorrect having treasures
or even enough to not struggle with finances, is.
But truth is, it's either simple for you or it's not.

If you want my help in this matter,
you're going to have to clearly name your request
and promise me you will actively pursue this.
You might get a journal and seriously ask yourself
why you are in the position you are in.
I don't mean in the credit counseling sort of way.
But honestly know how your lack has served you
and now how by attaining your clearly envisioned wealth,
how will you continue your Soul's work.

The lessons of poverty and wealth are rather different.
Again, be prepared for the roller coaster of energy
and transformation which will occur
from the moment you commit to this request.


Email: saroinne@biosys.netemail

Celtic Graphics on these pages byKaren Nicholas