HRD, FREE SOFTWARE, Sethu Madhavan


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  • Organizational Health Survey(OHS)
  • Constraints on Performance(COP) Questionnaire
  • Strategic Evaluation and Audit of Training Systems(SEATS)
  • Free Software Packages for Excellence
  • List of My Publications
  • Some Useful Links
  • Dr. P. Sethumadhavan
  • Postal Address

  • Organizational Health Survey

    History and Development

    The Organisational Health Scale (OHS) was developed as it was found that the available instruments on organisational health were either not comprehensive or they were not designed to capture the new realities. This instrument was developed through a series of deliberations with top managers and academicians. The final questionnaire was standardised on a sample of 7000 executives belonging to 43 Indian units and 19 International units of a large business group. The OH scale was found to be very good on psychometric properties such as reliability and validity.

    Structure of OH Scale
    The OH scale gives information on :
    The scale was structured to ensure interpretability at different levels of specificity and generality.Additional and optional variables are available for probing into sector or organisation specific issues.

    Benefits of OH Survey

    The variables that define the organisational health scale provide a handy checklist for CEOs for monitoring their organisation and units.The OH survey helps CEO’s to get data based and empirical feed back. OH survey provides clear cut action plans and post survey implementation strategies. OH survey is an excellent tool for triggering data driven organisational changes. The OH survey can be used for evaluating the impact of change initiatives by re-administering it after implementing the action plans. The OH survey can be easily repeated in future without any external help with the help of the software package that is available with the developer.Periodic OH surveys will help to spot weak areas well in advance.OH survey will help to compare the organisation with other organisations.

    An user friendly software is available to administer and analyse the OH survey data.
    If you are interested in knowing more please send me a mail
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  • Constraints on Performance Survey

    Constraints on Performance (COP) is an instrument developed for assessing the various types of constraints operating in organizations. Based on the results of this survey, organizations can take active steps to remove the constraints and thus facilitate their journey towards excellence. A software is available to administer and analyse the data on COP. The COP survey is standardised based on a sample of 8200 executives from India and other countries.
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  • Strategic Evaluation and Audit of Training Systems

    SEATS is an evaluation method based on Strategic Training System Model developed by Dr. P. Sethumadhavan. Download or Email to me if you are interested in getting my published papers on this concept.
    Get a copy of my paper on SEATS
    I am presently working on a book on this concept. The book has case studies and speeches by CEOs of major Indian companies . If you have something to contribute please send a mail
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  • Software

    I have developed a couple of software packages for facilitating the administration and analysis of organizational surveys and personality tests. But I am sorry that this section is still under construction, as I do not know how to make download\FTP etc possible! Donot blame I am an HRD\OB expert not a computer\internet expert. This page is totally an amateur attempt ! If you can help me send me a mail .But do not worry ! Try the following excellent links for Psychological Instruments and software packages !
  • Download Free Softwares
  • Directory of Free Softwares
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  • About Me

    Prof. P. Sethumadhavan has a Ph.D. in Psychology from the Centre of Advanced Study in Psychology, Allahabad University. His thesis was awarded the ‘Prof. D. Sinha Best Thesis in Psychology in India’ by the National Academy of Psychology(NAOP). After his Ph.D. he worked at Indian Institute of Management, Ahemedabad and Centre for Organisational Development, Hyderabad. In his last job he was Director , Academy of HRD at Hyderabad. He has been on the Boards of Academy of HRD and National HRD Network. He has edited various professional journals such as Scientific Psychology and HRD Journal in the past. At present he is on the editorial board of Manas. He is also a member of the Doctoral Programme Committee of the XLRI-AHRD joint Fellow programme in HRD.

    At present he is a freelance consultant and is attempting to develop a new professional consortium called School for Individual, Team and Organisational Excellence (SITOE). He has many publications to his credit including the book Measuring Organisational Climate. He has many organisational assessment instruments to his credit such as Strategic Evaluation and Audit of Training Systems(SEATS) and Constraints On Performance(COP) Survey. He has done professional work such as consulting, training and organisational assessment for a number of organisations such as Ministry of Home Affairs, SAIL, Aditya Birla Group of Companies, Crompton Greaves, Rubber Board, Union Bank of India, Vysya Bank, Global Trust Bank, Voltas, Warren Tea, Bharat Electronics, VSP, Ministry of Non Conventional Energy Sources and so forth. He has been also a consultant to World Bank Assisted Projects. In his past jobs he has directed executive development programmes in areas such as productivity through people, individual and organisational assessment, strategic training systems and managing for excellence.

    He believes in collaboration between professionals and encourages people to collaborate on research and knowledge generation activities.
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  • Useful Links

    1. Get free Personal Home Pages
    2. Centre for Organizational Development
    3. School for Individual, Team and Organizational Excellence
    4. Academy of HRD -A Premier Academy in Asia
    5. TV Rao Learning Systems- A pioneer in HRD Movement
    6. Download Free Softwares
    7. Directory of Free Softwares