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Nick & Nick's Endangered Species


Endangered Specie List:

This list contains about 1,300 species of plants and animals. These animals and plants have been placed on the list because they are nearing extinction. Plants, animals and people are all codependent from each other. People need plants and animals to live and some animals for work. These animals need other plants and animals for food. When a species becomes extinct this series is interupted.

EDS. and the Government:

The government plays a major part in saving athe endangered species. In a world wide effect the U.S. government are trying to elliminate the lobster trap lines, drift nets and fixed gillnets used by the commercial fishing industry that harmed whales that came near shore to spawn during the spring. Just lately the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld that order last October, ruling that the judge had not exceeded his authority in finding the state guilty of violating the federal law.

Causes of Extinction:

The major causes for extinction are hunting (poaching), destruction of habitats by either logging, farming, buildings, etc. Another major cause is pollution. Especially in rivers and oceans. In this case fish or other mamals swim into trash, oil, and nuclear or toxic waste. Other problems could be lack of food. One reason for this lack of food is because of us. We kill of insects when we chop down rain forests. This would make bats and other insect eating creatures die off. We also endanger species by hunting them for their skins, tusks, teeth and pets. In some countries they are treated poorly and used for side show acts on the streets of large cities.

Related Links

The Rarest Info Around
Pictures of the animals
Detailed list of endangered animals and plants in the U.S.
What the government is doing for the endagered whales
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Other wonderful information
Other links to endangerd speices
Regonal Endangered Species
