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Guys with their egos and mind games they play...
Cause us to be in bad moods each and every day.
They think they're macho and God's gift to us...
When really they're nothing special so why do we fuss?
They pretend to like us then treat us like dirt...
Why do we trust them we only get hurt?
We spend all out time getting ready to impress...
When really it's not worth it, it just causes distress.
They base their opinions on girls who are pretty...
Leaving us out in the cold and feeling quite shitty.
We thought guys were honest, but they constantly lie...
They tell us stories, which make us cry.
The hotties are assholes, the nerds are so boring...
Where are the cute ones, who we find adoring?
Their drugs and their liquor is all that they choose...
Not understanding what they really have to lose.
They say that they'll call, many days we have to wait...
Who do they think we are, i sit so hard to appreciate.
They want us to be perfect on the inside and out...
And they think their special, well we've got some doubt.
You're not Romeo or Prince Charming at all...
You're more like white trash we met ar the mall.
Your clothes are all dirty and your hair is a mess...
Do you really think that we are impressed?
One day you'll be looking to find a hot date..
But none will be there unless you learn to appreciate.
So here is a cheer from all of us gals...
Be sure to recite it to all of you pals.
Three cheers for girls, cause girls are the best...
We've got news for you boys and all the rest.
You're not special or any better than us...
We don't find you appealing you stupid ass fucks.
And for all you guys, you know who you are, this line is for you...
Cut the sucking up and you attitude too.
You are not a king or a god to any girl...
Lose the ego before we all hurl!

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