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In every day that I awaken, I realize the importance of Forgiveness. The transendence of a new begining. The cure to lonliness. I've asked so many times for forgivness from not only my friends, but from myself and God. The one thing I've realized is that I have to learn to grant forgivness and not just ask for it and take it in.

I've lost frienships over time, just as everyone has. Yet today as I reflect upon the loss of those friendships I see that one stands out in my mind. The one lost friendship that I grieve over the most, is the one which lacks forgivness. In order for this frienship to get through, the very long down period it's experienced. I must forgive not only myself, but the others involved.

I look at my family, and see that forgivness is scarce and meager. I see the problems, the grudges, the fights, the knots. The things that should have disappeared long ago. Yet they could not forgive each other. So now they sit with fake smiles upon their faces and deep inside they're thinking, why did that have to happen 20 years ago?

Walking down the hallway in school, I see a familiar face. She stifles a fake smile. I try to smile back, sometimes it works, sometimes I just walk straight by. I mean to smile I really do, yet my body just can't seem to. A scar so deep, inflicted by myself alone. My mind incomprehenible to the craziness I put myself into. I wish I had forgiven months ago.

The virtue of forgivness is one we should all look into ourselves to find. It can guide you through life, making you laugh, smile, cry and heal. Without forgivness, your life is bitter and sad. Find forgivness in your heart. Start anew. For each day is new, each day is clean, and only you can control what hurts your mind, body and soul.

Scattered Thoughts
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