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My Free Program Page

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NOTE that you may use these programs any way you wish, but at least leave credit for the orriginal program to me.
(These programs were written under Windows NT 4.0 and tested on Windows NT 4.0)

This program is a fake virus that fills up the screen with random pixels, and brings up a scull cursor. Just try it out, 'cause it's hard to explain. You can exit the program at any time by pressing the End key on your keyboard.
This is pretty much the same as the first skull program, but it'll laugh at the person too. The exit key is the same.
This is the final version of the skull program. It has audio, and it doesn't show up when you ctrl+alt+delete, thereby making it so you can't close it that way. It also disables stuff like alt+F4, and alt+tab.
Skull Cursor
This is the cursor I made for the two pixel programs, but you can use it as any (or all) cursor(s) you want on your computer.
Skull3 Source
This is the source for Skull3. It contains the resource file, the header file, the skull cursor, and the C++ file. Everything you need. (except the executable) The other skull programs are pretty similar.
Source Code
This is kind of like a trippy sketch program I wrote to keep me entertained at work. I don't know how to explain it, so just download it and see. It's good for making optical illusions and stuff like that though. You can also download the source code. The program comes with instructions on how to use it.
Screen Locker
Ok, this probably isn't the best program, but I only spent a couple of minutes on it, so what do you expect? I basically just wrote this to pull a prank on someone at work. Basically, you click on it, and it makes it so you can't click on anything on the screen, and keys don't have much of an effect. The only keys that I've found that really work so far are ctrl+alt+del (but you won't be able to end it from there), and ctrl+esc/the windows key. The escape key is the J key.
Note that I am not responsible for the use of any of these programs, so if you get in trouble for using them as a prank, or modifying the code so they do harm, I am not liable.

etcha tc