Jeffs Dukes of Hazzard Page</h4>

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Jeffs Dukes of Hazzard Page

This web page is dedicated to the mecca of all tv shows, none other than... THE DUKES OF HAZZARD!!! This great show can be seen everday on the TNN channel. They air 2 different episodes per day, then repeat them later on if ya didnt catch em. If you never watch the show or havnt even heared of the show, well, god save your soul because your missin on the best thing that happened to tv since color.

Some Links:

Dan`s Dukes of Hazzard Page
The Dukes of Hazzard Home Page
Dukes of Hazzard LINKS
Red`s Dukes of Hazzard Page
94.7 NRK...its a bad ace radio station
Andrew Dice Clay Site


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This page last updated: 3/19/99

if you want me to add a link tell me, and if your lucky i might add it

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