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All about lil ol me

~rebel{MF}s den~

How about i tell you a little about me? If you don't want to know, too bad!!

Youre here, youre going to hear it now! *s*

i am a 31 year old female from Illinois, some of my interests include reading, chatting, children, fishing and the outdoors. i am also a practicing submissive (i know at this point some of you are going OMG!!!)

i stumbled across the lifestyle quite by accident, i met a Mistress in a chat room who at the time was out of Her "Mistress" persona...we got to speaking and eventually i ended up training under Her for some time. Unfortunately we do not speak anymore, but i do appreciate what She did for me in the beginning.

i mean here i am, 4 years later, with a lot of virtual and even a lil bit of R/T submission under my belt, a damn good submissive if i do say so myself.(At this point i know some of my vanilla friends are reading this and thinking about going somewhere else, still thinking OMG!! *grin*)

it took lots of hard work and patience, learning this lifestyle. i used to carry a notebook around with me when i would chat so that i could take notes and study, just like a teenager again. As a matter of fact, i dont think that i even studied that hard in school. *smile* i went to many, many online sites to learn, some of which i will link to at the bottom of the page here. if you are a first time sub reading best advice to you is OBSERVE!!! READ!!!

and never be afraid to ask questions! if anyone ever has any questions and they think that i can be of any help, i can usually be found here The White Room and if im not there, you can always e mail me at

You can also usually find me following behind my One and Only...Her chat nic is Fire, Her real name is Julie, either way She will always be known to me as AMAZING! i wear Her collar every day proudly! it never leaves my neck except for in the shower. She is the most unique and wonderful Woman i have ever met, and i will follow Her to the ends of the earth! She has more patience and compassion than most people ever will have. i love Her with everything i have and my soul will stand with Her always. She lives in the middle of the God-forsaken desert in California, *w* which is where i am now as well, taking care of Her just as She takes care of me. i will include a link to Her page below as well, its definitely worth checking out! If She were here as i am typing this She would be sure to tell me to tell all of you...SIGN HER GUESTBOOK! *chuckle*

Well, i think that pretty much covers all of it, or all of me as the case may be, thank you for coming to find out a lil more about me and my world. i will include a few items and pics that tell a little bit about my life as a submissive, and a few links to some really great BDSM pages. i hope that you enjoyed your time here and that i was able to help someone even just a bit.

Submissive Tattoo

my Fave pic

the best site for B/beginners

Fires Place

A Dedication to my One