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by Lavone Zachary Lahr

Debby, today as I watched
clouds forming faces in the sky,
they were drifting, changing
as though aging with time.

The winds of heaven breathed
softly upon this new born cloud
drifting sleepily along its path.

A baby's face appeared so delicate,
so innocent, so pure,
I could not help but wish
it could remain.

I watched as it grew more graceful
with lovely flowing curls.
The sun shone with honor
upon this lovely face.

A veil of white soon formed
upon her head.
I knew then that she was soon to wed.

The noon day sun is growing near.
The evening winds will soon be here
to carry my lovely cloud away.

In the north are dark and angry clouds.
Will they carry my lovely cloud away
or let her drift over the mountain tops
to spread her veil of white?

Will she give birth to little puffs of white
whose innocent little faces delight dreamers
such as I?

With Love,
Your Mother

This was written by my mother for me. With loving memories of a mother who taught me, her daughter, to dream, love openly, share feelings, and to have compassion for others" and "I will cherish the thought of her always."

Copyright Lavone Zachary Lahr.
