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Various links:

Sabrina Online (no not the teenage witch)
A link to furrie art
All you need to know about kender
My Journal

This Page was started September 5, 2003
This page is under construction right now and I'm not the best at updating so bare with me eh?

Also I'm not going to make any guarantees as to how this page is going to turn out; the reason for this being I'm prone to bouts of insane genius that fizzle out just as quickly. So don't expect anything grand on this site, maybe I'll try to post a story on here but I'm nnot going to assure you that it will lengthen beyond a few paragraphs if you inquire as to why that may be refer to the bouts of insane genius above. That and also I work nights so I'm not going to be up much during the day (unless you happen to live in Australia or somewhere else on the other side of the continental shift in time zones) also I have some strange interest to I'll warn you now I'm not everyone's cup of tea though personally I wouldn't want to be a cup of tea anyway. Also I'm not one to care a lot if something I do offends you because if I did then I'd have to do it for eveyone and I'm just too offensive for that; not that I'm trying to be cynical or anything though I can be.

I might even think about putting up a rant page but that will all be in the future if I feel like doing it at all some of my rants can be really long I like to try to cover everything I can thing of related to the subject at hand. Kind of like whenever I begin a story I try to create a very precise image of what's transpiring which in turn leads to like 400 word paragraphs which seem really long naturally.