Once in a while, something wonderful happens...

Once in a while, something comes along and makes life easier...

Once in a while, something makes you want to give someone you don't know a hug...

Once in a while, something makes the world stand up, rethink it's ways, and change for the better...

The Army of Darkness isn't any of these things. It's no where close. If you are thinking we're anything but the most vile tribe on the Zone, we'll soon set you straight.

The world is a dark place. We're out to make it even darker, and have a little fun doing it at the same time.

If you have no idea what we're talking about, you might write us off as Satanists or whatever. We're not (most of us, anyway...). Actually, the Army of Darkness is a tribe of avid Age of Empires players on the Zone. If you don't know what Age of Empires or the Zone are, you aren't at the right site.

Alright, so we don't have much of the site up yet, but we's just a startin', ya? Here's what we've got so far.

Roster of Deadites Our Great Wars Red Tape Allies