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"when they took the Jews away, I did nothing.

When they took the homosexuals away, I did nothing.

When they took the communists and anarchists away, I did nothing.

When they came to get me there was nobody left to help me."


Constitution of the United States

Bill of Rights

additional Amendments


The following essays are in the process of being archived and new viewpoints will be published soon. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to inspect my opinions as a baby boomer mother of two, trained sociologist and high school teacher.

1. On the war in Iraq and its significance for the American people. - April 2003

2.The Politics of Food I,  II

3. Platform in Progress - Constitution for Neo-America - October 2003

4. On education as it relates to our life in society and culture - September 2002

Addendum. On Education, September 2007,further discussion on education in America

5. Open Letter to NPR - September 2003

6. Message to Georgie Porgie from the Pope and The Truth about George W. Bush

7. Hall of Flames

8. Immigration - issues about illegals - August 2003

9. Some suggested reading

10. The Fourth Estate and You - January 2004

12. HMOs, Health Care: shredding the social fabric... your money or your life.

13. An apology ~ Election "won" by propaganda and chicanery - November 2004(see #14 below)

14. Another stolen election: Instead of cheating big in Florida, this time the electronic voting machines added votes for Bush, thinking that by spreading it out all over, enough to go over the top in Ohio and other key states, that no one would notice. In New Mexico, for instance, in one voting location only a little over 600 votes were cast, yet there were 2,000 votes for Bush on the machine. This is why the exit polls did not match the "results". Even before the election, programs on Free Speech TV (FSTV) had detailed documentaries by programmers how the electronic voting machines were used and set up to deliver the election to Bush.

15. Judicial Corruption, it's just not me who complains or has been victimized by the judicial. I rest my case.

16. Katrina: Underbelly of Corporate Corruption,a personal account of my impression of New Orleans as a city, and some reasons why Katrina was so devastating and why it represents the failures and corruption of the US criminal government.

17. The elephants in the room: and other strange maladies visited upon the American people - October 2008,the expression elephant in a room means there is a big problem no one is acknowledging or doing anything about, and also to infer impotence as a people to get things done with the government as it is today.

18. Culture and Values - October 2008 a lament on the condition of our culture as a reflection of our current values.

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism. ~ Thomas Jefferson

Why the frogs??? Because this is a serious page, and the frogs provide a bit of levity, and because of the metaphor of the frog that got boiled to death, one degree at a time. That is, the water was warmed so slowly that he did not notice he was in mortal peril until it was too late. So please BEWARE, dear friends, these are times where utmost caution is a virtue.