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Alligator Spread


This is the best cream cheese spread. It is wonderful on whole wheat bread.

There are no alligators in this recipe, the alligators are the pumkin seeds .

This is a more or less traditional Cajun picnic spread. When I sold it commercially, people went nuts and I never could make enough of it or keep enough of it in stock.


Mix 'em all together

  1. One package of good whole cream cheese (please don't use the lite crap, it has a horrible consistency and taste). I used Gina Maria cream cheese brand.
  2. For a softer consistency add some Nancy's Cream cheese from the small tub.
  3. Green onions - cut up fine
  4. Stuffed olives (with pimentos) half a cup chopped
  5. Half a cup of pumkin seeds
  6. Cayenne as you may like a lot of it or some
  7. Tamari to balance, maybe a tablespoon, depending on amount of cream cheese you have

These are the basic ingredients, play with them until you find the balance you like.

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