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The Politics of Food

As printed in Healing Currents, April '91. This Internet version has added links not in original.

"Before the flour the mill

Before the grain

the earth and rain

The Beauty of God's will."

- English Blessing


It is no accident that the mean temperature inside a bee hive is 98.6°; for, if left alone, one would observe harmony throughout all earthly things, be it plant, animal or mineral.

The most perfect food for the infant is its mother's milk. Milk is the earliest of human foods, the product of living organisms, the crowning of the reproductive system which is connected to lunar rhythms.

The ancient Vedas raised animals in order to have their milk as food. Ancient consciousness was more dreamy and connected to lunar forces and rhythms.

Cows are still sacred in India, not put into concentration camps for their milk and later tortured to death for their flesh.

To digest plants into proteins the body needs to use the will forces to transform the plants to human protein. Cutting that process by eating a cow's corpse does not utilize the will forces. What rests rusts.

Is it any wonder that the country whose national food icon around the world is the hamburger is derided globally because of its low consciousness, especially its national seemingly inability to think spiritually? And was it accidental that the New Age as initiated by the culture of hippies and those earnestly seeking spirituality, refused to eat the tainted dead food, refused to eat dead animals and refused the American Medican Association's "cures"?

Seeds especially furnish the healthiest of proteins. Wheat berries are seeds. If properly stored their potency will last indefinitely, the potential to become another grass which will bear seed.

What lives as potency in the wheat berry is the life force. Once crushed, the life force lingers for three days before it dissolves. (At death it takes three days for our life force body, the etheric body, to dissolve into the etheric sheath of the earth).

Living foods give more than nutrition. Sprouts are living foods and are preferable to lettuce which no longer lives. Living foods feed the life force and make it possible to have more enlivened thinking, to help develop and maintain faculties in humans by which we can perceive the non-material, spiritual world.

The United States has not only a deadening, poisonous food culture, but is ruled by the poltics of greed and corruption in a conspiracy to use you as a means to line the pockets of the few at the expense of your life and health, and the environment.

The trend is for large agribusinesses running off the small (family) farmer and his way of life and relating to Mother Earth and Father Sun. Large mechanical dragons tear the soil, add chemical poisons provided by the chemical conglomerates, plant uniform hybridized seed; more sprays, fertilizers and poisons are put on crops (not to mention the devastation to animal and bird life and the water table).

The crops are then mass harvested, sent to large processing factories, denatured, dehydrated, frozen; colors, preservatives, waxes and all numbers of embalming agents are added , most with names that were not around one hundred years ago.

The "food" is then wrapped in invisible sheaths of petroleum (glad wrap) and sent hundreds of miles away on big trucks which drink the product of a long dead culture(petroleum)to get them to your local chain food funeral parlor where Americans happily and quite unconsciously go pick up the corpses. Is it any wonder we are so unhealthy and green looking?

Franky Lappé (Diet for a Small Planet) wrote her now classic work bringing to our attention the stupidity of growing grains to give to livestock when we could be eating those grains ourselves. Aside from being an inefficient way to feed ourselves, there is great waste of water as a natural resource, the filth from the slaughter of millions of animals infiltrates the water tables; the smell of excrement and death permeates the countryside for miles around; not to mention the cruelty to animals that are processed like automatons without an iota of caring for them as beings with feelings and fears.

The chemicals contained in our foods are saturated in the soils, the aquifers, even in rain which is causing forests to die. There are vast areas in the Gulf of Mexico that are dead belts from the scillions of tons of chemicals farmers put in the soil which gets washed down from the Mississippi River into the Gulf. New Orleans has about the worst water on earth.

If angelic beings find their corporality in air and water, what kinds of creatures are being beckoned to hang out with us spiritually?

Petroleum not only poisons the air and water, but also is a factor no one seems to consider in causing earthquakes such as the giant ones in Turkey where vast oceans of crude oil are extracted from between the earth's plates. Anyone knows vaseline (petroleum jelly) is a lubricant. Crude oil lubricates these plates. Water is pumped into these now empty areas. Water does not lubricate, plates do not now oil up to one another. A quick reference on a map will clearly show Irag/Kuwait removing incredible amounts of petroleum which act naturally as shock absorber and lubricant to the thin outer crust of earth.

So we have petroleum for transporting the dead food around, petroleum derrivatives to put on the crops as fertilizers, petroleum distilates and derrivatives as additives in our food. YUCKO. Cancer, anyone? In the occult sense petroleum is a reflection of death as it is the result of megalo-giant compost heaps of formerly living organisms.

Ford Motor Company has been building alcohol fueled cars in Brazil for over twenty years. There is the technology to build clean means of transportation, but the powerful multinational conglomerates are only motivated by the acquisition of money and power and the "bottom line": a good show at the stock market.

It may appear that I have veered off the course of politics of food - however - I wish to point out how it is linked to the politics of greed in general because the chemical industries which pollute our environment are the same which poison our foods.

These conglomerates don't give a rip whether they provide nutrition: it's business and business is money. The restaurant business is profit oriented, not nutrition minded. Pick up a restaurant magazine: it's a mind blower. A Eugene policeman referred recently regarding a theft to a doctor's office that the theft occurred at the doctor's, "place of business." He was correct: it is a business. AMA is profit motivated. All those HMOs are for profit, not for health. There is a branch of medicine called "Iatrogenic" which means medicine to heal what has been cause by the doctors.

"With the death of the last male Shaker, America had lost that reverence for the profound simplicity of the craft. Everything that was cheap, shoddy, and deceitfully wrapped in "country farms" packaging rose in my mind and turned in my stomach. I could see a picture of coast-to-coast food distributors serving all the restaurants the same frozen cardboard French-fries, water-injected ham steaks, papier-mâché peas, and a carbonated water called beer. Orwell had good sense when he characterized 1984 as a time when good food was as unobtainable as sexual love." William Irwin Thompson, The Edge of History

Business interests are therefore all linked together as a huge conspiracy against us, a sort of negative wholeism in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the technocrats who pose as healers are all a living nightmare masquerading as sources of life when in reality they are death causing. The list goes sickeningly on.

Not to end in a quagmire of negativity and send you off depressed, there is something you can do: First you must bring the intention of love into your food preparation to insure clean prana. Buy organic fresh foods, raw milk products (or at least non-homogenized - the homogenization binds the fat cells which our bodies can't digest and they get clogged in our arteries), grow as much of your own food as you can. You can grow your own sprouts from all sorts of seed and legumes in your kitchen. A good rule of thumb: if you can't or won't kill it, don't eat it.

We are fortunate in the Eugene area to have good organic food outlets. I heard recently from a friend who has worked in the natural food stores for years that Lane County has per capita the most natural foods stores anywhere in the world. But watch out for the packaged stuff. It may be organic, but it is essentially dead also.

Encourage local farmers to go organic. While I was in New Zealand, the national farmers co-ops went organic. Support farmers by pledging to buy from them during the growing season. There are several such farms near where I live that you can buy into a "subsciption" for a weekly delivery of produce.

Take only homeopathic and herbal remedies whenever possible, it's also kind to your pocketbook. It's empowering to provide your own medical attention to yourself, your family and your pets…and your friends.

Fight back!!!!!

The Spirit of God is around you

In the air that you breathe,

The Glory in the Light that you see

And the fruitfulness of the Earth

And the joy of its creatures

He has written day by day his revelation

As he has given you day by day

Your daily bread.

-John Ruskin, Keswick, Lake District, England



Noam Chomsky - On the "Free" Market: Socialism for the Rich


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