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Problems in Zelda 64

3 years were spent making Zelda. How much time was spent on the box and the instructions? 30 minutes? Here is a list of all the problems I have found. I found a lot on my own, but I'm sure there are more. E-mail me at with any you find.

Let's examine the box first. We all know about the misspelling on environments, spelled as "enivironments". Upon closer inspection, I noticed the phrase "the treacherous waters of Zora's Domain. What? Zora's Domain is not treacherous, and as far I can tell, the only way to hurt your self is to repeatedly throw yourself off the waterfall as an adult.

There are a ton of problems in the instructions. Get them out and get ready to read along. Ha, ha, ha.

Page 15: They don't show the use for the L button, turning the maps on and off.


Page 21: They show a screen with both unhatched eggs, a storyline impossibility.

Page 23: There is a slight wording problem with the description of the Fairy Ocarina. It says " This has the same effect as the Ocarina of Time, but disappears when you receive it." What? The Fairy Ocarina disappears once you get it, leaving you with nothing? I couldn't figure this one out until I got the Ocarina of Time in the game.

Page 25: Look at the magic meter at the bottom. It shows a zoom of the magic meter, but it is clearly not the same meters.

Page 26: It says that you can only get four bottles. Well...I know it's a glitch, but still...the bottle glitch lets you have a lot of them.

Page 31: They say that treasure chests you open appear as square marks. They actually don't appear at all.

Page 32: Look at that little picture in the bottom corner of the page. Look at the top right C button. I can't quite tell, but it looks like the Fairy Ocarina, and that's adult Link in the picture. Maybe they should use pictures from the final version of the game.

Page 33: It says that if you save the game in the field you will start in Link's house, but you actually can save it anywhere besides a dungeon and start in his house.

Page 38: In that big drawing, not the screenshots, Epona's saddle is weird looking. It's not like in the game.

Did I make a mistake? Did I miss something? E-mail me at

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