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Who Is Kaepora Gaebora?

If you've ever wondered, read on.

Name: Kaepora Gaebora

A.K.A.: The Owl, Leave me alone, Go away

Appearance: Very owl like

Height: 7' Tall

Weight: 456 Pounds

Feathers: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Job: Umm...being a reincarnated Sage, we think...

Habits: Twisting his head, Saying "Hoo hooot!", and Popping up out of nowhere

Current Drug Addictions: Marijuana, Crack, Speed, LSD, Heroin, Nicotine, and various pain killers

Afflictions: Attention Deficit Disorder, Herpes, Terminal Diarrhea, and Emphysema

Demeanor: Cheerful

IQ: 64

Favorite Game: Candyland

Extracurricular Activities: Annoying Link, Playing Candyland, and Smoking

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