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Wow! Does Zelda 64 ever have a lot of glitches! Of course, "Goemen, Mystical Ninja" probably has just as many, but...well...

E-Mail me with glitches I don't have at, and I'll put them on my site!

Sword-less Link

Note: All glitches marked with an asterisk (*) are sword-less link sub-glitches

*Use Items on Epona

*Flying Link

*Control Epona

*Jump onto Epona

*Fall and Appear on Epona

*Disappearing Gerudos

*Target Symbol

*Epona Cam

*Purple Fog

*Red Fog

*Hover Horseback Riding

*Riding Epona While Carrying Objects

*Get Under Zora's Domain Ice

Equip Fishing Pole Outside of Pond

Deku Sword

Easy Fish Catch

Invisible Fisherman's Hat

Arrow Through Link's Neck

Laser Pointer

Lean Way Back and Forward

Epona On the Fence

Play Your Ocarina Unequipped

Invincible Deku Stick

Two Pierre Scarecrows

Dog in Day

Purple Cuccos

Mask of Truth Glitch

Freeze Navi

Break Link's Neck

Corner Walking

Turd Cam

Crooked Cartridge

Unlimited Golden Skulltulas

Lots of Bottles


Sword-less Link and Sword-less Link Sub-Glitches

Let's start with the grand-dady of all glitches and it other little glitches. 

Sword-less Link

All Items Marked With Asterisks (*) are sword-less Link Glitches

Get to Ganon. When he knocks away your sword in the beginning, immediately save your game. Reset your game. When you start again, you will have no sword. To get your Master Sword again, simply travel through time and back...unless you want too have much, much more fun! He, he, he...

*Use Items on Epona

While on Epona without a sword, you can use almost any item.

*Flying Link

Go to Gerudo Valley or Lake Hylia. Stand still on Epona and use you're Hook Shot to Hook onto something. In Gerudo Valley, hook onto the bridge posts. At Lake Hylia go to the shop roof, and play the Scarecrow's Song. Hook onto the scarecrow. Press A to get off of Epona. You will get off then float up. Move around with the control stick to go to strange and unusual places!

*Control Epona

Get off Epona by using your Deku Nuts or your ocarina. Look in the background and you will see that Epona follows your control stick movements.

*Jump Onto Epona

Press A after you fall off Epona in the previous trick. You pop out of nowhere onto Epona.

*Fall and Appear on Epona

Get off Epona with Deku Nuts or your ocarina. Jump off of a high place, like the Gerudo Valley bridge. While falling, press A, and be saved by falling back onto Epona.

*Invisible "Staircase"

Go to Gerudo Valley. Get off Epona with Deku Nuts or your ocarina. Put on your Hover Boots. Walk off. It will look like you are walking down an invisible staircase.

*Disappearing Gerudos

Go to the Gerudo Fortress archery game. Start the game. Quickly get off Epona. Look around the Gerudo Fortress. You should find that there are no Gerudos around.

*Target Symbol

Do the previous trick, but make it into the Haunted Wasteland before time runs out in the game. When you re-enter the Gerudo Fortress. You should now have the target/points symbol still on your screen.

*Epona Cam

While getting on Epona, about halfway up, press and hold Z. Hold Z, and while heading up-hill, get off using Deku Nuts or your ocarina. The camera should stay locked on Epona while you move her around.

*Purple Fog

Go to Lon Lon Ranch and play the obstacle course. Get off of Epona during the course using your ocarina and play The Song of Storms. There will be a weird purple fog that appears until the rain stops.

*Red Fog

Do the same trick as before but do it during the Gerudo Fortress horseback archery game. This time you will see a red fog. Both these tricks seem to work during timed games.

*Hover Horseback Riding

Get off of Epona using your ocarina and play Saria's Song. Link will hover above Epona while he rides. Press A and it looks like he's spanking himself! If you ride into a new place while doing this (Example: Lake Hylia to Hyrule Field), Link will just walk out without Epona. This happens because the game doesn't recognize that he is on Epona because he never actually mounted her again.

*Riding Epona While Carrying Objects

Get off of Epona using your ocarina or Deku Nuts. Walk up to any object that you can grab and grab it. Once you have picked it up, press A to get back on Epona. You can now ride around holding this object. You can do this with many objects, such as small rocks, plants, or others. You can even ride with a chicken! If only chickens could fly... I have tried this with a boulder but it doesn't work. If anybody could figure out how to though, it would be really cool to see Link riding Epona carrying a big huge boulder!

*Get Under the Zora's Domain Ice

Go to Lake Hylia and walk out to the place above the entrance to Zora's domain with Epona. Face Epona straight out towards the water with Z. Use your ocarina to get off. Keeping facing that direction, and put on your iron boots. Then, walk off the edge. Wait till you sink to the bottom. Hit A and very quickly pause it. You should be under the ground. Put on your Koroki boots and face towards the entrance to Zora's Domain. Use your iron boots and keep switching the two while swimming towards it, being careful not to float through the ground. When to get to it, You will warp and is under the Zora's Domain ice. You can shoot things through it! But be careful to wear your iron boots, because you will also pass through the ice!

Equip Fishing Pole Outside of Fishing Pond

There are two ways to perform this trick:

1. While in the fishing pond, get a pole and equip your hover boots. Run onto the edge of the water and quickly cast out before the golden glow disappears. You should cast out but still be mobile. Hit Z twice to change into a closer camera view. Walk over to the door and walk out. It may take a few tries to get it. Do not cast outside, or the game will freeze up.

2. While in the fishing pond, get a pole and equip your hover boots. Find the sinking lure, and scare some fish into the center. Run onto the edge of the water and quickly cast out before the golden glow disappears. You should cast out but still be mobile. Try to hook a fish. Hit Z twice to change into a closer camera view. Walk over to the door, while occasionally pressing A to keep the fish on the line. Walk out. It may take a few tries to get it. Do not cast outside, or the game will freeze up.

Deku Sword

Go outside the fishing pond using part 2 of the previous trick. Make sure that you equip your Master Sword. If you don't, you might not get your Biggoron's sword back. Walk up to an enemy, and before he hits you, press B, and quickly pause and save the game. When you start again, you will have a Deku Stick in place of your Master Sword. Do not try to use it or your game will freeze. To get your master sword back, just travel back and forward in time. This is probably some left over programming from when you could use a Deku Sick like a sword.

Easy Fish Catch

Do part 2 of the Fishing Pole Outside of Fishing Pond trick, except don't leave. Swim into the center and chase the fish you have on your line. You should easily be able to catch it when you touch it.

Invisible Fisherman's Hat

Catch the fisherman's hat with your regular lure. Then go and get the fishing lure. The fisherman's hat should no longer be visible on the lure. Walk up to him and give him his invisible hat. It will magically appear on his head.

Arrow Through Link's Neck

Pull out your bow and get an arrow ready to shoot. Then press and hold Z. Without shooting it, take out your ocarina. An arrow should hang in midair, giving the appearance of an arrow through Link's neck.

Laser Pointer

Take out your Hookshot. Hold Z. You should see a semi-side view of Link holding his Hookshot. Let go of your Hookshot button. Then take out your Hookshot and press R at the same time. Let go of R and your Hookshot then let go of Z. You should now see a red dot wherever Link moves his arm, just like a laser pointer.

Lean Way Back and Way Forward

Do the previous trick, except before you let go of Z in the last step, hold back until you are looking straight up, then push forward until you are looking straight down. When you let go of Z, and then use another item that zooms up close, such as your Hookshot or your arrows, you can lean way back and forward.

Epona on the Fence

Go to Gerudo Valley and go to the far side of archery game. Go back to the end pole. Run up to the fence so that you are in a straight line with it. Right before you hit the fence, hit the A button to use a carrot. Epona should jump up on the fence. You get stuck on the fence and lean over and twist. You can move, but will have to restart the game because you can't get off the fence.

Play Your Ocarina Unequipped

Go to your start screen. Put your cursor on one of the notes in the top row of the songs and press A. That song should play. Press and hold the control stick in any direction until the song is over. Then press some C buttons. You should hear the ocarina playing. If not try this trick again. When you unpause, you should be able to play your ocarina but pressing the buttons.

Invincible Deku Stick

Z-target something while holding a Deku Stick, press A and lunge it. You should now have in invincible Deku Stick. It doesn't really work as a weapon.

Two Pierre Scarecrows

Go into the death mountain crater. Go to that place where you can make Pierre appear. Play your Scarecrow's Song and make him appear. Then hook onto him. Play the song again to make a second Scarecrow appear! Huh? Well, I'll tell you the truth. That second scarecrow is Françoise, Pierre's fraternal twin.

Dog in Day

Have a dog follow you around. Then play the Sun's Song, and you'll still have the dog following you during the day.

Purple Cuccos

Play the Bomchu Bowling game. Knock down the first two walls, and then waste the rest of your bombchus. When the game ends, step away and use C-Up to look down the alley. You should see that everything is bathed in a purple/blue light, including the cuccos, that lady, and if a dog followed you in, it too.

Mask of Truth Glitch

This is a really dumb glitch. Go into Hyrule Market and put on your mask of truth. Talk to that girl who chases the chicken around. She should say something like, "Wow, that's a funny mask!" Talk to her two more times, then take your mask off. She should say the same thing again.

Freeze Navi

Go to the altar of time. Read the inscription. Then stand backwards to the top of the altar of time. Do a back flip onto the altar. Then play Saria's Song. Talk to Saria, then stop. Navi should be floating over the altar, unable to move! Everything should be much darker. Sadly, it only lasts until you leave the Temple of Time. Awwww, darn.

Break Link's Neck

Go to Gerudo Valley an walk to the far end of the bridge. Jump off to the right of that little support post toward the at an angle towards the wall. Link should go into a dive. Hold left on your control stick. Links should dive right on to solid ground! Crraaacckk! For an even greater challenge, do this as kid Link and try to land on the cow.

This is what he looked like afterwards!

Corner Walking

This is a complicated trick, so listen up. There are 3 versions of this trick.

  1. Go to Hyrule Castle as a kid. Go to the sign near where you get Din's Fire. Look at the corner to it's right. Walk up to it and try to face directly onto the corner. Try to walk just a little, little bit. It gets easier with practice. Once you are up at all, press Up-C in look at the crack. Look to the top corner, and line it up with the left side of your B button, which is the center of the screen. When you are done, get out of the first-person view, and start to walk straight up the crack. If you start to walk up, it worked. About 1/3 of the way up, use the B button to line up again. Do the same thing 2/3 of the way. Then walk off the top. You should now be able to walk around up there. Be careful not to fall off. Gosh, Hyrule Castle sure is pretty! Walk all the way over to the side of Hyrule Castle, but be careful not to slide off that last part! Try to jump behind the castle. It may take a few tries. You should fall, but keep holding forward, and, surprise! You land in water. About 1 minute later, you should hit the surface. You should be in a weird view, something like 200 feet below Link! Try swimming into the moat behind the gate. A fun, but hard trick.
  2. Go to Gannon's Castle as an adult, to the place outside Gannon's Castle. As you enter, to your right there should be a corner. Use the same technique to get up to the top. I have gotten up there many times, but this next part has only worked once. I went up to the top and grabbed onto an invisible ledge. I then walked around for a few feet up there, but slid back down. Try it for yourself.

3. Ever wanted to walk around Death Mountain? No? Well I have. And with this trick you can. Go up to that wall near the top and kill all the skulltwallas. Climb up to the top. You need to walk up that corner on the left side. Get on your hover boots so that you don't fall down too much. It may be the shortest distance to walk up, but it is also the hardest. Keep trying. While your walking around, keep your Hookshot handy to see which surfaces are real, because you can fall through some of them. Go up to the top of Death Mountain and you'll be at the highest point in the game.

Turd Cam

Well, this is kind here goes anyway. Walk up as close as you can behind Epona and use C-Up to look straight down. Let just say the camera is right behind the tail looking down at the ground.

Crooked Cartridge

Start a new game. Walk up to Mido's little henchman. Grab your cartridge and slowly pull out the left side of it. Do it very, very slowly. Have somebody else hold forward on the control stick. If you get it right, you should turn invisible and walk through the henchman. Before you leave through the hole, push the cartridge back in or the game will freeze up. If you mess up the game will freeze up, and you will have to restart. You can now go out into Hyrule Field without a sword, shield or anything. You can even the Spiritual Stones in reverse order. I do not recommend this as it may erase all your saved games!

Unlimited Golden Skulltulas

Go into the pit near Hyrule Castle and kill the gold Skulltula. Then get the token with your boomerang, but before it can return back to you, back out into the warp that send you back to the surface. You should get the token, but the Skulltula will still be there. Repeat this and you'll keep getting Skulltulas.

 Lots of Bottles

Go to something that you can pick up with a bottle, like a fish or some bugs. Swipe at them, but halfway into your swing, pause the game. Then replace that bottle with a useless item, not an important one. You should now have an extra bottle. Try to replace different items with bottles to create glitches. Just don't save!

Did I make a mistake? Did I miss something? Do you know more glitches? E-mail me at

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