StarWelcome to this EXCITING site for hours of fun.Star


He won´t brake for nobody..

Hmmm !!  It´s seems like the winds are comming from the west..

Örebro Castle ( The castle in my town from mid 12'th century )

Sweden..  The land of the vikings.



McLaren F1

Here you can make cool 3D-text and buttons


Get your free homepage here..

A link to aftonbladet.

A link to netscape.

Rösta fram de 100 bästa sajterna

A link to microsoft.

A link to altavista.

A link to hotmail.


Ooolala..  ( Flap flap is down below.. )

Ask Dr Bozon



Photosonthe.gif (6802 bytes)

Bara en massa roligt..  HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!



Cool Babies..

Here as alot of killerwhales..

A detailed map over USA.


Here is some very silly laws..

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!  STAMPEDE...

Explose.gif (16495 bytes)A vendelhelmet from pree vikingtimeExplose.gif (16495 bytes)


You can sign my guestbook for FREE here..

Here you can send me an e-mail..

It´s for FREE here to..

Sent this cute swede a mail..


Go to ICQ

Go to ICQ !!!


Youarevisitor.gif (585 bytes)


Flap flap flap flap flap..



Thank you for youre visit..