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Dave's Maps of Scotland

Here are a few Ordnance Survey maps of Scotland that I've scanned for you. Some of them are rather large, and may take a while to load, plus the Fortune City server is sometimes slow, so be patient!

Road maps

1. Southern Scotland (649Kb)

2.The Western Highlands (169Kb)

Topographic maps of our hillwalking trip from Inverie to Glenfinnan

1. Inverie to Sourlies Bothy (412Kb)

2. Sourlies Bothy to Dave's Bothy (It really IS called Dave's Bothy, 336Kb)

3. Dave's Bothy to Glenfinnan Bothy (842Kb)

Other topographic maps

1. Corrour station to the bothy (229kb).

2. Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain (628kb).

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