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Dave's Interesting Japanese Links Page

Here are some interesting pages done by others about Japan..

Klein Dytham Architecture has 2 pages. The first is Sold Out. It catches western stars (Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, Arnold, etc.) in Japan who would not be seen dead in their own country pushing products. Another excellent one is Gaijin A Go Go. It even has video clips of your favorite stars acting foolishly. The Fetish Archive shares some of the strange products marketed or developed in Japan. Items include the Umbrella Condom and Nap Man, a device to keep exhausted office workers from dozing off.

Next there is kind of bizarre page (it's NOT mine), called Tokyo Toilet Map. In the Japanese version, there are over 700 photos of Tokyo toilets.(If you're using Netscape, and want to see the Japanese version, it's best to turn on encoding to "Japanese-auto detect") Pretty strange!

Naomi's My Life in Japan has some interesting observations on life in Japan, as well as some excellent traditional photos.

The Web's First Japanese Pizza Page and Pizzas from the DARK SIDE have menus that show some of the strange things (squid ink, mayonaise, seaweed) that they put on their pizza.

Photos from the above links

Harrison Ford sweating for Kirin Beer. The umbrella condom applicator machine. The Tokyo Toilet Map.

Squid ink pizza.
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