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Subj:  In support of your website
Date: 98-02-18 15:32:31 EST

Thanks for your excellent and informative site.  I am not and never have
been involved with Amway but my best friend from college and her husband
(IBM employee) have.  It's like they're in a cult.  They are so
programmed into the system that there is no talking with them about the
downsize of their Amway business.  I will share your experiences with
them and hope that they will see the light and get out before they loose
too much money and time.
M. Gates

Date: 98-02-18 21:20:56 EST
To: Exambot

I got sucked into the Amway dream recently. I'm having a hard time extracting myself, my first priority is to get out of the Amvox system, however, I haven't been able to find out how to do this. When I mentioned to upline that I just can't afford to keep paying the monthly fee, all they say is that I need to have home parties and build my own downline. Well, as a single mother of a pre-school aged child, that in itself is an extremely hard chore. I am getting no support from my upline in getting out ( this does not surprise me ), so I came onto the internet hoping to find someone who can help me. I can no longer take the pressure of upline to buy more tapes, give up precious time with my son to attend functions and worst of all, to go without food or start selling things like my T.V., VCR or computer to pay for the three day dream building weekends. HELP!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!! I'm trapped in Amway H _ _ _ !

Any information you can offer to me will be greatly appreciated, especially if you have any idea how to get out of Amvox. I called the bank, and they said to stop the automatic debit will cost $25.00, do you have any way that I can get out and avoid this charge?

I can be E-mailed at

Thanks for listening.


Subj:  Did you know this?
Date: 98-02-19 18:16:02 EST
From: (Arias)
To: exambot@AOL.COM

 I just finished talking to my social psychology professor about cults.
She has
done extensive research about them so I though I'd ask her what she
thought about
Amway.  At first, she looked at me really funny and then said,  Well
Melanie, to have a
cult there has to be a charismatic leader.  I started telling her about
World Wide and she
got really excited.  She gave me a lot of information about cults (her
sister is in a
religious one) and then said something really interesting.  She said
that her sister refuses
to use any Proctor & Gamble products because her church says they are
Satanic.  World
Wide says the same thing, in fact, wasn't it started by Amway?
 Have you ever heard of the ****** **** church?  Well the people who
us to Amway are big time members of this church.  My professor, without
knowing this,
started telling me about the things that the ****** **** church does that
fits right into a
cult.  It seems that once someone is brainwashed, they are susceptible
to other cults.
 Anyway, I just thought this was interesting.  Remember how we were
about the born again Christian stuff in Amway and how World Wide always
refers to
God and Bible passages?  I'm telling you, all this stuff is weird.
These distributors are so
brainwashed that it is truly scary.  I mean they are raising children
and teaching them this
 Did they ever tell you what TV programs to avoid?  Did you see that
list of
programs that they said not to watch because of a homosexual appearances
or something?
This is based on Biblical reasoning, not soap.  I'm speculating that
there is a very fine line
between World Wide and religion.  They say that its not a cult because a
cult involves
religion.  If you really look closely, everything they do is modeled
after religious
behavior and ceremonies.
 You probably already know all of this stuff, but I had to tell someone
understands what I'm talking about.  This stuff is much more serious
than I ever thought.
When I started this paper, I wanted to prove that they make their profit
off of tapes, but
the cult aspect is too serious to ignore.
 By the way, I found a tape where the woman flat out says not to
associate with
your family if they quit.  That is sickening.  She said "tough love is
sometimes best."
 Well, thanks for listening to me rant.  I just still can't believe all
of this.  I think it is so
great that you have opened so many people's eyes with your site. Someone
needs to let people now what Amway is all about.


Subj: Nice Page.
Date: 98-02-24 08:24:37 EST
To: Exambot


I saw your Amway page today (2/24/98).  Hopefully, it has already saved someone from getting ripped off.

All this stuff is exactly the same.  TomVu (who served prison time for fraud), Don LaPre, etc.  You lose money, they make money buy selling you worthless crap and a dream that's a lie.  And that's just what it is.  A lie and a scam.

I know, I tried a "turnkey" 900 business from good 'ol Brad and lost 4G.

But that was probably me.  I was the one who screwed up.  That's only partially true.  The business is a scam to begin with.  I screwed up by believing his people's  bullshit and buying into it.  (BTW:  Psychic Friends - you know, Diane Warwick - went bankrupt, owing 26Mil to creditors.  It was on one of the major news networks recently.)

I see questions on the WWW Databases from posters asking if anyone is succeeding with the various "programs."  Answer: Yes, those that are doing what these guys do, lying to people and selling them garbage.

I'm offended that you even receive negative posts from people claiming to be having "success."  Why are they so negative in their posts if they are?  Answer: Because they know that if they are succeeding, they're hurting people. And hurting a bunch, too.

I probably sound a little bitter.  Please excuse me for that.  But I've been screwed a lot by people just like those at Amway.  Like you said, once the money's not there, these people don't call just to chat.

And for a little background, I'm an attorney. I know the system.  And it's one big money game.  And friends involved with the medical profession (honest ones) say the same. It's a money game.  People become doctors and lawyers for the money, not to help people.  Sure that's how they rationalize things, but it ain't so. They want the status, the power, the money, etc..  That's it, it's a numbers-game with clients.

Frankly, I'd prefer shoveling manure, but I'm a newly-minted lawyer, with debts to pay.  (Or, am I "shoveling manure" already???  Tough call, that one!)
I've seen "Wall Street" one to many times, I guess.


Subj: What is World Wide
Date: 98-02-24 08:48:29 EST
To: Exambot

Having known the DeVos family for many years, I am curious about the link that you are making between their manufacturing company and whatever the topic is in your article,

Your help is appreciated,
Subj: Amway
Date: 98-03-03 19:49:00 EST
To: Exambot

Saw your Amway list, pretty accurate from my experience of 6 months.  I officially called it quits today after searching the Internet last night for four hours.  Very validating.  Now I know why I have been feeling helpless and like a failure because "I wasn't showing the Plan" enough.  I really appreciate the accurate info out there which I find for the most part to be true.  Why would people just make this up.  There is no reason.
Are there an sites on AOL about Amway???

Subj:  Satanic reference
Date: 98-03-07 17:56:57 EST
From: )

In regards to P & G being Satanic, I was on the original
AMVOX distribution list that received the Satanic message.
Not only did I pass this down to my group, I also put the
message on Speakerphone at my office so my co-workers could
hear this "dastardly" news, but also went to a sister office
of ours and played it for the employees there as well.  My upline is listed
as plaintiffs in that suit, along with
Amway.  After several catastrophes in our line of sponsorship
(this line is now part of the mega suit of 29 upper level
distributors) and after my sponsors came across AUS and
showed me printouts, I realized the scam for what it is -
the same Mind Control techniques that cults use to rob the
pockets of the "faithful" - the same techniques that orators
and figures like Adolf Hitler use to demand obedience from their followers
to further their own agenda.
Consequently, my sponsors and I called P & G and offered
our testimony to them, as we realized we had been pawns
(albeit innocently) in Amway's much bigger game.  We met with
Proctor and Gamble attorneys - and opened their eyes to what
the "real" business is.  The poor attorneys were flabbergasted
at what I and 20 or so others had to say.  At dinner afterwards, when I was
describing the constantly listening to
tapes, going to rallies, only associating with upline etc - she looked at
me and said "THAT sounds like a drug addiction"
which it does, doesn't it?
We actually came out and asked them about the "Church of Satan", and the
lead attorney looked at me like I was nuts.
No, from everything that was spoken of - there is no basis
whatsoever for the linking of Proctor and Gamble to Satanism.
In fact, I regard the other "entity" as being more in line
with Satanic objectives.  The deliberate twisting of Bible
Scripture can usually be attributed to the "fallen angel",
and their mantra that "God wants you to be rich" is definitely
no where to be find in my Bible.  On the contrary, there is
ample reference to mankind's propensity to worship the God
of Riches instead of Holy God, and what happens to man when
he does this.  I could give you several Proverbs which
illustrate this vividly, but I'll save that for my Webpage.

Thanks for speaking the truth, when others do desperately
try to hide it.

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free".

After 6 painful years in the "System", losing my home and
my husband, I now know the truth, and it has set me free.
It's been a painful lesson - not to value material things
over God and family, but I did learn it eventually.  I just
hope that others don't make the same mistake I did, and never
let "their dream" rob them of what's really important in life.

Subj:  Dream Stealer
Date: 98-03-07 19:36:59 EST

It's sad to hear someone down an opportunity as badly as you have the Amway business. I understand you might not have enjoyed your time in the business but there are millions(including myself) who are enjoying being in business for themselves. I wonder during the time that you were in the business if you spent as much time actively building the business as you spent documenting the information you have on the net. Now don't get me wrong. Everything is not for everybody. But just because you gave up on your dreams don't try to steal everyone else's dreams as well. I can tell from the info you have in your statement that you never understood fully how the business works. You mentioned that they brainwash us. As a matter of fact they do! I challenge you to find a successful business person in any field of business and ask them if they had to make sacrifices with their families when it came to their business. Ask them if they had to spend money before they made a dime. Ask them if other people thought they were crazy for what they were doing. And also ask them how it feels to be in control of their own lives. Because you must understand one thing, if you don't control your life someone else will. Now that you are not in the business ask your son if he is looking forward to working for someone else for the rest of his life. That has nothing to do with AMWAY. That is LIFE!!!

Subj: Amwong
Date: 98-03-08 19:54:24 EST
To: Exambot

I found your list to be very helpful.  I have heard much of the garbage straight from my husband's mouth.  Though I consider him to be intelligent, he appears to be lacking any common sense!  Any suggestions as to how I might get him away from these blood-suckers?

I have been contemplating closing all of our joint accounts and opening new ones in my name only (I handle all of the finances anyway).  Based on your experience with the whole Amway trip, do you think that it might be wise?  I hate surprises when it comes to finances!

Subj:  Web Page
Date: 98-03-09 14:33:14 EST

Good Page

I too am an x-Amdroid.

I have written and published a book entitled "Amway or Godsway, Is Amway
a Cult."

If you are interested in a copy e-mail me at

There are a lot of us out there.


Subj: amway article
Date: 98-03-10 01:58:39 EST
To: Exambot

I want to say thank you for the very educational article about amway. My husband
came home from work last night all excited about this great opportunity that some guy approached him about-Amway. I am suspicious by nature and usually steer him clear of get rich quick schemes. But he was so excited I thought I would let him learn
this lesson on his own. I figured what's the most we could lose a couple hundred dollars? Well after reading your article, and printing it so my husband could also read it, I decided this wasn't the time to let him take a gamble. He agreed with me after
reading it. But what was amazing was that I think he already felt some kind of kinship with this recruiter, I could tell he felt betrayed.  Anyway thank you for saving us from the same hardships you went through, and I wish you good luck in the future.

Subj:  i feel bad for you...
Date: 98-03-11 16:52:08 EST

I recently came across your web page as I was doing my usual run through
of the MLM info. I feel so sorry for you!  my husband and I are involved
in a wonderful line of sponsorship in World Wide Dream Builders! I was
very negative for almost three years, because of all the crap I heard from
my uncle about it, who happens to be very vocal about everything. I had no
idea what it was all about and I was too I mean stubborn
to look into it in any depth.  When I began my search for answers I found
it to be an excellent opportunity and the people never ONCE pressured me
into anything.  They just loved me for who I was and where I was at.

Once I decided we could work this thing, our business just exploded, as
did the love in our marriage.  we have more time for each other than ever
before and more time with our kids.  Our "non-business" friends and
families, as
exambots like to call them, have noticed a huge positive change in our
attitudes and our outlook on life in general.  in fact, some are looking
into this business as their own "ticket to ride the rails of success." if
they work it, great. if not, great. it's not for everyone. we'll love them
no matter what. and they love us, too!

I never once felt or heard any of the things you say you experienced. In
fact, everything we were told from day one has turned out as we were told
it would, when we were told it would.

Please refrain from bashing all Amway distributors because you had a
crappy experience. But I also believe that those who are serious about
starting their own business, no matter what kind, will look at your web
site as that of an unfortunate person who can't handle their own failure.
After all, if all Amway distributors and lines of sponsorship are bad,
then all doctors, lawyers, teachers, dentists, store clerks, delivery
drivers, mail carriers, etc. are ALL BAD. Right? Cut us some slack!

Contented and VERY PROFITABLE Amway Distributors.

 Responses Part 12
 Worldwide Dreambuilders and The Things They Will Say To Profit From Your Dreams