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African Timeline

2,000,000 BC-Earliest stone tools in Ethiopia and East Africa
35,000 BC-Homo Sapiens in East Africa
8,000 BC-First settlements in Nile Delta, Sahara fertile enough for human occupation
7,000 BC-Earliest cave drawings in Sahara
2,530 BC-Great Pyramids built in Egypt
1,000 BC-Nok Culture in Nigeria
332 BC-Alexander the Great conquers Egypt
100 AD-Camels introduced to North Africans for trans-Saharan trade
100-200 AD-East African coast starts trading with Romans and Arabs
350 AD-South East Asian crops start growing in Eastern Africa, eg. Bananas & yams
600-700 AD-Ethiopia threatened by Muslims, Isolated from Christian Europe
646 AD-Egypt conquered by Arabs
650 AD-Use of iron increases in Africa
800 AD-Trans-Saharan trade expands
1000 AD-Islam established south of Sahara
1087 AD-Muslims invade Ghana
1150 AD-Slaves were exported to North Africa from New Guinea
1352 AD-Ibn Battuta visits Mali
1500 AD-Compound houses on steep hillsides built by Dogon people in Mali
1807 AD-British ban slave trade
1874 AD-Discovery of diamonds in South Africa
1880-1900 AD-First major railways built in East and South Africa
1900 AD-Mud, cane and straw houses from Western Camaroon built
1960's AD- U.S Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King, helped to change attitudes about African slave trades

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