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You might ask, "What spiritual meaning could the name "Spark Plug" have for a Christian Drama Team." Well it does have meaning. The name "Spark Plug" isn't just a name that a bunch of teenage guys thought sounded cool...

Powered by the batery, a spark plug is the conponent of an engine that "lights the spark" and starts the whole engine going and in turn get's the entire vehicle moving or whatever the case may be.

With the power of God our mission as children of His is to "light the spark" in our homes, schools, everywhere to eventually get the whole world moving. Except this time we're not starting an engine. We're starting a revival. Telling everyone we possibly can about the ever forgiving love of Jesus Christ. But in the same way that the spark plug is an essential part of the engine, God won't do His work without us, and we can't do His work without Him. God is the battery that powers everyone with talents, boldness, and joy. All you have to do is "plug in."
