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Hall of Fame


This segment of our website is devoted to those past Sparkplug members who have left a mark on our hearts before and after they told us they had to go.

Also in this section are the ones who made it happen. The people who gave the permission. The people who made the suggestions. The "behind the scenes" people that don't always get the credit that they are very much deserving of.

Note: The "Hall of Fame: Past Sparkplug members" can be found at the bottom of this page.

So now we proudly bring to you, The Sparkplug Hall of fame.

Jesus Christ

No, don't worry this guy hasn't left. He's still on the team. We just can't forget about our Lord and Savior, though. The one the only Jesus Christ. Yes that's right folks! If it wasn't for this guy we would probably be in the gutter somewhere drunk as a skunk. (If you are a skunk please do not take offense.) Yes, this guy can do it all! He can set your feet a' dancin'. He can turn your frown upside down. He can walk on water, calm the winds and the rains. He can empower us with the amazing ability to portrait characters convincingly to get a strong message across to you. He can die in your place for your sins, even if you think you are the worst sinner in the world...(and he'll do it to) In fact he already has. All you gotta do is believe and that's why He is "el numero uno" on our hall o' fame! He's such a great guy!

Patrick Hartsfield

Patrick is the youth pastor at Crosspoint Youth Ministries. If it wasn't for him Chris Carter might not have became interested in drama. Patrick has put together some awesome productions in the past and many people have come to Jesus. Patrick's suggestions and input are highly valued to the team as we work toward our goals. He also plays a huge roll in the selection of plays for the Arts Festival and the development of the play itself. From Sparkplug to you, Pat: Thanks!

Mike Hartsfield

If you haven't already guessed, Mike is Patrick's brother. Mike is studying as an intern for the role of "youth pastor" at Crosspoint. Mike is a fun guy who is very creative. He has much experience in the christian dramatics society. He has done some great productions and also some great performances in the past. Occaisionally he aides us in the playwriting and has alot of influence through that too. He is a great asset and friend to us. We'll be sad to see him go when the time comes.

Trevor Means

A tremendous man of God. He hooked us up with our first tour. Helped us gain a lot of change with more pastors. If it weren't for Trevor helping us we would not be in the place we are today. Thanks Trevor. Powered by God, we will ignigte the flame.

Dwight Stockton

Dwight Stockton is the District Youth Director for this section of the Pentecostal Church of God. He invited us to council at one of his camps and do some skits at another. He's been a true friend to us ans we all really apreciate him. Thanks Dwight. Yer Awesome. HISTORY MAKERS!!!!!

James Crumpton

James has been a great support over all the years, we know he still will be as his own ministry develops. He is responsible for Chris' knowledge of HTML coding and has single handedly created the website for our home youth group "Crosspoint." James, you've got our support as well.

Hall of Fame: Past Sparkplug Members
(click on any date to see the Sparkplug Members that had to leave that year.)


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