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Ashley's Lovely 2nd Homepage!!!!

I guess you came here to learn more about me, huh? Well, here I go. Get ready to fall asleep! *********************************************************************************************************** Some things about me: I am now 14 years old. I live in St. Helens, Oregon located 45 minutes north of Portland. I play 3 sports. 2 of them I LOVE!!!!! Read on to find out more about them. Volleyball, which I am not to fond of. Basketball, one of my favorites and best, and last, but certainly not least, softball!! I play fastpitch and love it!!!!!! *********************************************************************************************************** About softball: I play fastpitch softball and I am a pitcher. My team is called the Cobra's. We have had 1 tournament so far and placed 2nd. I don't know my batting average right now, but I do know that I pitch almost 55 mph. Which last weekend, one of my games, I had 12 strike-outs in 6 innings of play. We won of course! I loved that game and will never forget it! I usually average 1.74 strike-outs an inning, but I had a bad, bad game, which kinda lowered that average. It is coming back up though! I am on the top 5 best hitters on the team and am darn proud of it! *********************************************************************************************************** About Basketball: I am 6 feet tall and am darn proud of it! I am a center or post whatever you wanna call it. It is not Basketball season right now, so I won't write much about this sport at the moment. I am the top scorer along with Emily on the team. We both average around 12 to 20 points a game. It depends who we play, blah, blah, blah. I average about 4 blocks, 10 offensive, defensive rebounds, and I can not handle the ball very good. To let you know, I am working on it a lot now! I am getting better as the days go by! *********************************************************************************************************** I am not gonna anything about volleyball except I am a spiker. I don't like volleyball that much, but I play it cuz I wanna be a 3 sport athlete in high school! I have ICQ so add me to your list if you have it to! I would be gladly like to talk to you! My PIN # is 4340725. I am on at least or maybe depending on practices, on once a day. Different times. *********************************************************************************************************** I wanted to give some thanx and shout-outs to: ~Larry Nichols, for helping me come this far in my pitching! I would never have come this far without ya! Thanx a lot! ~Kevin and Megan Callahan. I LOVE babysitting you! And just wanted to put your names on here!!! ~Jess, hey there bud! How are ya? ~Swishie, you da WOman! ~Dee-ta, hey sugar cakes (j/k)! I could give tons more shout-outs, but I don't feel like it. SORRY! If you wnat your name on here, please E-mail me (at the bottom) and tell me! I must know ya first though. Well, enough about me. Now it is your turn to hear about you! E-mail me and also visit my other page. It is better than this one!!! Bubbye! ~Ashley

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My other Homepage!!! You gotta look at it and sign my guestbook!
My buddie Kayla's Homepage :-)
My other good buddie Jess's Homepage :-)
