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Special Items of Magnamund

Welcome to the Special Items of Magnamund Page. Warning, there may be some spoilers in here so read at your own risk!

  • Sommerswerd - When used in combat, the Sommerswerd will add 8 points to your COMBAT SKILL. It has the ability to absorb any magic that is used against its bearer, and it doubles the total of all ENDURANCE points lost by undead enemies in combat. It is the only weapon in all of Magnamund that can kill a Darklord.
  • Magic Spear - A carved spear made of metal, yet as light as wood. The shaft is covered in runes and magic emblems. It is one of the only weapons that is effective against undead, specifically Helghast.
  • Bronin Warhammer - When used in combat it will add 1 point to your COMBAT SKILL total.
  • Dagger of Vashna
  • Helshezag - The sword of Darklord Kraagenskul
  • Nadazgada - The sword of Darklord Gnaag
  • Jewelled Mace - +5 CS
  • Korlinium Scabbard - Protects the Sommerswerd from showing its goodness.
  • Silver Oak Bow of Duadon - This weapon will add 3 points to your total whenever you are using a bow and are instructed to pick a number from the Random Number Table.
  • Skarn-ska
  • Bone Sword - Sword used by the Ice Barbarians of Kalte.

  • Padded Leather Waistcoat - This adds 2 ENDURANCE points to your total.
  • Chainmail Waistcoat - This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total.
  • Shield - This adds 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL when used in combat.
  • Silver Helmet - This adds 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL when worn during combat.

  • Potion of Laumspur - Restores 4 ENDURANCE points per dose.
  • Potion of Gallowbrush - Induces sleep for 1-2 hours per dose.
  • Rendalim's Elixir - Restores 6 ENDURANCE points per dose.
  • Potion of Alether - Increased COMBAT SKILL by 2 for the duration of one combat.
  • Graveweed Concentrate - Causes death if swallowed.
  • Taunor Water - Spa water that restores 6 ENDURANCE points per jar.
  • Alether Berries - A handful of these berries will increase your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for the duration of one combat.

  • Map of Tekaro - City map.
  • Map of the Stornlands - Regional map.
  • Map of Sommerlund - Regional map.
  • Map of Luyen - City map.
  • Map of Kalte - Regional map.

  • The Lorestone of Varetta
  • The Lorestone of Herdos
  • The Lorestone of Ohrido
  • The Lorestone of Tahou
  • The Lorestone of Luomi
  • The Lorestone of Xaagon
  • The Lorestone of Nyxator

  • The Doomstone of Darke
  • The Doomstone of Ikaya

  • Crystal Star Pendant - A pendant given to Lone Wolf by Banedon, magician from the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star.
  • Seal of Hammerdal - A signet ring given to Lone Wolf during Darklord Zagarna's siege of Holmgard. It is basically a guarantee of safe passage through Durenor in times of crisis.
  • Silver Brooch
  • Ruby Ring
  • Silver Key
  • Tinderbox
  • Blue Stone Disc
  • Sleeping Furs
  • Blue Stone Triangle
  • Stone Effigy
  • Kalte Firesphere - Breaks into two halves with a light coming out of them.

    This page was last updated on May 12, 1999
