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A history of Tashkent- one of the largest cities of contemporaneity- extends into the depth of centuries. Information on a history of Tashkent can be found in the various sources- in different time periods it had different names: Chach, Shash, Binkent, Shoshkent and others. A city under the name of Tashkent is first mentioned in the 11th century in the encyclopedic works of Abu Raikhon Al-Beruni and Makhmud Koshgary.

Museum of art

In the 10th century, in Tashkent for the purpose of protection of the city against the raids of the external enemies there began to be erected the gates for going into and out of the city. The number of these gates was changing during the passage of time. By the middle of the 19th century there were 12 gates in the wall surrounding the city. All these gates had their own keys bearing the name of the gate and date of the key making.

Alisher Navoiy Theater

Tashkenbt also has separate monuments of the ancient culture and architecture. The most famous of them are Kukeldash Madrasah and Barakhana Madrasah erected in the 16th century and safeguarded by the state.

The Koukeldash Madrasah XVI century.

From 1930 Tashkent has become the capital of Uzbekistan. It is known that from 1924 to 1930 this role was performed by Samarkand. At the present time (1997) the population of Tashkent amounts more over 2 million 500 thousand persons, and as to the population itis the most large city of Central Asia, and it is forth among the 23 CIS cities with the number of population over one million persons, outnumbered only by Moskow, Kiev and St. Peterburg.

Chor Sy Hotel

Tashkent is a large industrial city. In the last half of the century here have appeared the new branches of the industry, was built a number of large industrial enterprises. There took place a fast growth of the volume of industrial production. Tashkent have occured substantial changes in the structure of the industry. There have emerged a clear tendency of the growth of the specific weight of the heavy industry.

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