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Trini Kwan

Trini Kwan was the first yellow ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and part of the original team of superheroes that protected Angel Grove. Later when she was chosen to go to the Teen Peace Conferences somewhere in Europe, she passed her power onto Aisha Campbell.

Trini was a strong courageous girl. She's calm, patient, and has a cool that we could all learn to maintain. Trini likes to collect dolls, and was once afraid of heights but has gotten over it. She takes honor serious as shown when fighting against the Mantis(don't remember ep title, sorry).

Kimberly is her best friend and she was on the same intellectual level as Billy(not by brains, but she was quick on her feet). As for her love life, there was a boy named Richie she liked but things never went far. A lot of fanfic writers(including myself occasionally) have matched her with Billy since they understand each other, get along great, and well... they're just perfect for each other!

Trini Kwan is played by Vietnamese actress Thuy Trang. She was born on December 14, 1973 in South Vietnam. Her childhood was rather rough during the Vietnam War. Her father left for the US seeking political refuge, leaving Thuy, her mother, and three siblings behind. After arriving in the US and being reunited with her father, he died suddenly forcing Thuy to grow up and help support her family. Thuy speaks Vietnamese, Chinese, and French. She has studied civil engineering at UC Irvine under a scholarship.

She loved the role of Trini, because it provided her with the chance of becoming a role model. She later left to pursue her career and return to her studies as a civil engineer. Her hobbies are reading, playing tennis, and just hanging out with friends.

Besides playing Trini on MMPR, she has been in the movie "The Crow: City of Angels" as a villainess named Kali(goody to baddy!); "Spy Hard," and "Cyberstrike" along with her old co-stars Austin St. John and Walter Jones. She's also done a video on martial arts with Austin St. John.

It is unfortunate for me to report, that Thuy has died. She died on Tues. Sept. 11, the result of a car accident. Thuy will always be remembered for her work on MMPR as Trini, and will be sorely loved and missed by her fans.

Images / Thuy Images
