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Still Looking!

humming bird

To begin my story I will do a little briefing on the past. I married right out of school and during those twenty-four years of marriage I was constantly aware of an inner longing that was not being satisfied.

I held on to my marriage thinking that was the thing I should do. Then I realized I was doing nothing more than living a lie, hurting my self plus others as well. What I needed was love in every sense of the word.

Many days I spent walking the shores of the beautiful lake I lived by, carrying the ache that so heavily laid within. I searched my self to see what step I should take that I could live with and the ones' involved could too.

Then a year ago we bought a computer. I started making friends. They meant so much to me, as I had been so lonely.

Then I met a man on the net. He said all the right things to me, knowing how I had been feeling. I separated from my husband and met this person. He had told me during our talks he was a divorced man, which he admitted later that he had lied. He tried to tell me that he truly had fallen in love with me and he was in the process of divorcing her.

When you have lived with the ache of longing for true fulfillment in life for over twenty four years you are not ready to accept dishonest love. I'm still looking for my true love!

picture of Judy

Judy, Thanks so much for your story! I am really sorry to hear that things didn't work for you. Unfortunately, there is much misrepresentation happening online.

Hopefully people that read these stories will realize how people are getting hurt due to this deceit and think twice before they do it.

I am sure that there is Mr. Right waiting for you out there somewhere...I wish you the best in finding him!

Please give me an update! I will be hoping to move your story to the "Happy Ending" section! Good Luck!



When I first got my computer, I didn’t have any intentions of heading right for the chat programs and finding someone.

I’m a 35-year-old with two kids. My husband ran off with another woman about 2 years ago. I found myself really lonely, so after work I would spend time on the computer trying to find friends to talk to that had the same things in common.

After about 3 months of making the best friends that I have ever had, I met a guy that called himself Tobey. He was so interesting to talk to. He himself had been left with kids to raise alone. We talked for hours. Soon, he wanted to talk on the telephone so I let him call me. I just melted when I heard his voice. He sounded as gentle on the phone as he was on the computer.

In the following months that followed, when we weren’t on the phone talking…we were chatting online. I can still remember how I felt when he would type those words: I LOVE YOU! I would melt in front of the screen. He would send me electronic cards and virtual flowers daily. I had never been so in love in my life. Our talks online were so intense. It was as though he was right there in the room with me.

He kept suggesting that we meet. I had heard such horror stories about internet meetings that I had been really worried about that. But in his case I felt like I really knew him, so I agreed.

The special day come, that I would be meeting him. I was so nervous. I was to meet him at the airport. I was almost ready to walk out the door to leave for the airport and the phone rang. It was Tobey.

My heart came right up in my throat…”Why are you calling me? I thought that you was suppose to be in the air right now.” I knew the minute that I heard his voice that something was wrong. He then proceeded to tell me that he had something to tell me. He told me that he was married and that he just hadn’t had the courage to tell me before. He thought that he would be able to tell me when he met me face to face.

He said that his wife was sickly and he didn’t have the heart to leave her, and if I wanted to wait for him we could be together eventually. He said that he didn’t feel right about meeting me and leading me on anymore without being up front with me.

By the time that he had got everything out that he wanted to tell me, I was crying. I was completely heart broken. For months he had led me to believe that we could have a future together. I had passed up chances to date. I had given up time with all of my friends. I felt like my life was ruined. I could NEVER love anyone like I had loved him.

After I hung up the phone…I did a lot of crying and soul searching. I didn’t go near the computer for a week. He had emailed me and tried calling me steady for the whole week. Finally I got the courage to go back online. I told him that I wasn’t sure that I could wait for him, but we could still be friends.

That was 6 months ago, and we have continued to spend a lot of time together online. I hope someday that we will meet, but at least now I know where I stand.

I don’t know if I want to wait for him but I don’t know that I can do any thing different. I love him so much. I just take one day at a time.

If he had been honest with me from the beginning I wouldn’t have let myself fall so deeply in love with him. Despite my disappointment, I would never tell anyone to stay away from internet dating.


Stacey, Thank you for your story! Dishonesty seems to be something that comes easy online. I truly hope that people read these stories and learn from them.

I am sorry to hear that your experience turned out the way that it did, but in realizing that internet dating can be so intense, you may just run into another TOBEY! Only this time he might not be married..*GRIN* Best of luck to you!


A Missed Friendship!

Hi my name is Julie! I was talking to this guy named Rick ever since I got the internet. What caught my attention was that he was a firefighter. I think firefighters are so sexy and that’s how we started talking.

We talked for about 7 months. We always talked about meeting but never really made plans. Talking to him was so cool. Its like we were perfect for each other. I could tell him anything.

I think I am a pretty attractive girl. I don't have a problem meeting guys so I wasn't really big on meeting anybody over the internet that I didn't know, but I did decide to meet two guys. The first one was ok, not really what I expected but we didn't meet to start a relationship or anything, we met because we thought it would be cool and it was but he wasn't really anyone I would go out with. The second was "oh my God!" not at all what I thought he was. He was just to touchy feely and I'm not like that if I don't know you. He just was really weird and I was like "forget this!"

Back to Rick, It was like we couldn't wait to talk to each other and when we didn't talk to each other we would e-mail each other. Miss you-post cards and things like that. It was so sweet. I remember one time we didn't talk for like four days and one day I signed on and he said "hhhheeeeyyyyy baaaabbbyyyy!!!!" and I said "Happy to see me huh!" He was like "I've missed you" It was so sweet. Little things like that attracted me to him without even seeing him. I liked him.

We decided to talk on the phone one night, Oh my God!! His voice was so sexy. That even made it better. He was so sweet. Then he really wanted to meet. I said "ok." When he said "Tonight?" I was like "ok" He said, "No, because what will happen is I'm going to get there and not want to leave." He asked me "What if we see each other and we don't want to leave each other?" I said "Well we'll just have to work something out."

He lives about 2 hours from me but we always talked about me moving closer to him. I would say "ok" just messing around, but I was serious. One time I talked about moving up there because of a job offer. He thought that was awesome. I wanted to get out of where I lived anyway because of all the problems I had here.

We decided to meet. We made plans for Sunday, but we were so excited that we worked it out to meet Wednesday instead. We decided to meet at a restaurant to eat and then go back to my place to watch movies. I felt it was safer. He was cool with that. I live with my parents and I work right across the street from the restaurant, so I walked over there.

He called me when he got there. All day I was so nervous. It wasn't really because I worried about what he looked like because, I told him on the phone that the way I had gotten to know him, I don't think it would matter what he looked like. When we met I was shocked; he was a really nice looking guy (sexy firefighter) lol.

We sat down to eat and talked. Something just wasn't right. I don't know what it was it just didn't feel right. So I asked him "You still think you can come down Sunday?" He was like "Well I don't know" I said "Ok." Then I knew he wasn't interested. I don't know why. He told me "Now don't get the wrong idea I may have to work." But that wasn't it at all, I know. After we ate I told him that if he just wanted to head home he could but he said, "No we can go watch movies, that’s fine." I said "Are you sure?" He said, "Yea why wouldn't I?"

After that night was over, when I see him on the net we talked, but it wasn't the same and now we don’t talk at all. It’s sad! I wished now we had never met. If I had known it would turn out like this I Wouldn’t have, because I miss that friendship we had.


Julie, Thanks for sending your story in to me. I am really sorry to hear that things didn't work out for you. I think that the answer possibly could be to meet the person early on before the relationship gets too intense. I think that long term internet relationships tend to breed fantasies. When in the end it seems that no one can live up to those fantasies or expectations. You sound like a real special person and I am sure that there is a special someone out there for you. Best of luck in finding him.

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