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L&L Brigade Newsletter, August 2, 1999


We have a lot to cover this week but, before I get into that, I just have to ask something. Did anyone else get totally into Carly and Sonny this past week? Thank goodness I am actually looking forward to GH again. No, it's nothing like how I use to look forward to an L&L day (I still miss them so much!) but at least there is stuff going on. I think Sarah and Maurice rocked together and I can't wait for more!

SOIREE REPORTS AND PICS: I am still recovering from the GH Weekend and Becky's Soiree. There are some new Brigader reports posted at HQ, along with a few pictures. I won't be sending all of these different reports out in emails, but I will continue to post them. By the middle of this week I should have all of my pics back, so I hope that you guys will continue to check back. There should be a lot of updating HQ in the future.

BECKY AND REAL VIDEOS: For those of you who read my report on the Soiree, you know that I didn't get Becky to do a personal interview on camera. It didn't work out to do it this week either and we were talking about getting together next week, but I just can't ask you guys to wait any longer to get your copies. So, I've gone ahead and started the dubs without this. I hope you all feel I made the right choice. I'm now going to be doing a variety tape with SSW and some other footage, so I will make sure to put a little interview on that one. Ironically, I did get Real to give a little message to the camera after his event, and he was the one I didn't think I could get. Both tapes turned out great! You are all going to crack up at Amber :). It's not too late to order a copy if you still need to. All the information is at HQ.

REBECCA HERBST FAN CLUB: I am working on a page for Becky's Official Fan Club. In the meantime, here is all the information you need to know about joining. Yearly dues are $20 US, $23 Canadian, and $27 Foreign. Send US funds only (check or money order) to Ginny Mahl, PO Box 141452, Spokane, WA, 99214-1452. It's going to be a great club to be a part of with lots of fun perks!

SSW4: This year's Super Soap Weekend is September 25 and 26 at Disney World. I'm still waiting to get all of my Soiree pictures back and I'm already swamped with plans for this event. I mentioned before that we would have two organized Brigade meetings that weekend, but I am thinking now that we will only be able to manage one. The reason is the numbers that it seems we might have. As I mentioned before, I'd like to reserves a room and have a dinner for all of us one evening at a time that, hopefully, won't conflict with any other events. Before I can make any plans, though, I need to know how many to plan for. If you are thinking of coming to SSW this year, even if you aren't sure, please email Lt. Galor at for our official list. I need to know your Brigade name and Regiment, and how many people will be coming to a Brigade gathering with you, (spouses, kids, etc)? As soon as we get this information, I can start making some more solid plans. Please keep in mind that, if I have to reserve a room for us, you may not be able to attend if you haven't let me know ahead of time. Thanks!

BUTTONS, HATS AND SHIRTS: You all know what a hit the L&L Brigade T Shirts were at SSW last year. This year we have several options. Lt. Galor is making some buttons that say, "L&L Brigade - SSW4, 1999" for us. She will be selling them for $2 and you can either get yours in the mail ahead of time or buy one from her at Disney World. Galor is also making some L&L Brigade hats. I have one of these that I plan to wear, and I think it's very cute! She will be selling these for $10 a piece, but you really need to let her know ahead of time if you plan to get one. For more information, email her at I know that some of you have created some beautiful T Shirt designs. If anyone would like to offer their T Shirts for sale to their fellow Brigaders, just email me the information and I'll include it in the next newsletter.

VOLUNTEER CONTEST: I can't believe how successful our Volunteer Project was! I'm so grateful to all of you who participated because you gave me a reason to be even prouder of the Brigade! I want you all to know that Becky was really impressed with all the work you have been doing too. I told her specifics because I love to brag about you :) She has something in mind to MAKE each one of you who participated, as well as prizes for the winners. Please forgive us, but things were still so crazy this last week that she and I never did decide on what the prizes would be. And, I haven't compared notes with my second in this matter to make sure we counted the same hours right. So, I'm going to make you wait one more week to find out who the winners are what the prizes will be. Of course, you are all winners and you are all going to get something very special just from Becky. We will continue to run volunteer reports for several weeks. I hope you like the two I've included at the end of this newsletter.

JJ FOR STAR WARS: A friend of mine (the same one who stood in line for weeks to get us tickets to the opening of Episode One) has been keeping an eye on the official Star Wars web site for me. JJ is definitely still in the running to play the next Anakin Skywalker. In fact, I am just amazed at how often his name comes up! Star Wars is my original, all time obsession. So, to have L&L and Star Wars mix like this would be unreal! Right now another site is doing a poll to pick the next Anakin. They say that everything right now is rumor but, for what it's worth, the rumors are saying JJ is the favorite! So, anyone who agrees JJ would be an awesome choice, check out this site and vote at

We're still dealing with the aftermath of Lucky's discovery of Laura's rape in this week's scenes. We'll start with Liz and Bobbie talking at GH about Lucky (aka, start where we left off before!) and watch thru the first night he spends in Liz's room -- the last line is the "Hope you like pink" line as Liz hands Lucky a blanket to make up a bed (can you feel love in the air!!! :) This group of scenes is just about 56 minutes or so. Again, food was limited this week, but we do have the peanut butter Lucky 'borrowed' from Bobbie, with or without the loaf of bread he was going to buy with her $10 bill. Make yourself some PB&J and enjoy! See you at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST in the Yahoo chat room. Pvt. Jenn

I've had to write this newsletter in a hurry so, if I've forgotten anything, I apologize now. Please remember to email Galor if you are joining us at SSW. And, please remember to check HQ often this week for all the new reports, pics and updates.

Have a great week! Can't wait to see Carly and Sonny tomorrow. Oh! And Faison is supposed to do a lot this week. Let's all count how many times he manages to say "Lucky!"

|_ _| Boo



Pvt. CJ's Report:

Hi! This is my first time doing a report for something other than school so bare with me. I volunteered at a food bank/community center, and the local library. I haven't been doing this a long time, but I thought I might be able to do something good with my summer. At the community center I do a lot of different things. I have broken down boxes, typed phone records, and separated food into individual packages. I will be the first to admit I was a little biased when I started. I thought that I would only help and see people I wouldn't know otherwise. I was shocked at how many people I knew needed food baskets or Emergency help. They made me sign a confidentiality thing, but I will say you'd be surprised how many people you see every day go to bed hungry. I helped with story time at the library, mostly with crafts. The 20 or so kids ranging from 2 to 12 (not much younger than me) were hard for the 2 librarians to handle. I think it is great that kids can learn to love reading and be comfortable in a library at such a young age. There was one little boy that could barely hold a paint brush, but would sit so quiet and sweet during the story (no, he was not asleep, we checked).

|_ _| CJ

Pvt. Jackie's Volunteer Report:

My name is Jackie and I'm from N.Y. I joined the Brigade this past June and I'm in the NNN Regiment. I volunteer at Battered Women's Services, which is an agency that provides both crisis and and non-crisis counseling for women and children who are the victims of domestic violence. It also provides a 24 hour hotline, advocates to go with women to court, the hospital, and the police station, and emergency safe housing. I started working there about a year ago as an intern for my college degree in social work. Although I graduated in May, I continue to volunteer there. I took their 32 hour training course so I am able to counsel women, answer the hotline, and go to court with them as their advocate. It's very hard to describe everything I've encountered there. I've seen women who are abused physically, emotionally, verbally, sexually, and financially, married women, single women, and especially women who are trying to leave their batterers. These women are from all different backgrounds, races, economic statuses, and ages. I have been especially struck by the number of teen age girls who are abused by their boyfriends. Teen dating violence is at an all time high. The other two groups of women that I have seen more of than expected has been elderly women and weathlier women. But in every case I've seen the common element has always been that these women are constantly controlled somehow by the men in their lives. Whether they use violence, intimidation, or fear, in the end it's all about having that power and control over another person. At times it's been very hard on my mental health working here, but I've always been aware of when I needed to step away and take a break. This is a social problem that I will always feel strongly about and do my best to fight, while also trying to make changes in our society's reactions to this crime, because it is a crime. Unfortunately, even in this day and age it is still just treated as a family issue or a private matter. I have personally witnessed this treatment of battered women by judges in court even when the abuse was apparent and the women had an advocate with her in the room. Sadly, we still live in a very sexist society. But I, along with the wonderful staff members I work with refuse to give up the fight for these brave women and their innocent children who are equally effected by what happens to their mothers. As one of these children who grew up in a home with domestic violence, I want these women and children to be safe, and the men who think they can get away with this abuse to not continue getting away with it. Liz's story has reminded me of the horror of what a lot of the women I've worked with have gone through, and just as Liz's rapist didn't pay for what he did to her, most of the batterers I've encountered have not paid the consequences of their violent and abusive behaviors either. Thank you for listening to my experiences and thank you brigaders for providing this outlet for me. I think you are the nicest and most humanitarian group of fans there is. You guys are devoted to the characters and actors you love and you're also there for each other and others who need help in the world. I am proud to be a member of the L&L Brigade.

For more information, or if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic violence, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at: 1-800-799-7233

|_ _| forever


L&L Brigade Newsletter, August 8, 1999


So…. Kat is having Nik's baby? Does anyone else feel like cheering?! Maybe it's a little premature for celebrating, but I'm definitely grinning about this :). Keep the pressure on, guys. I have faith they will listen to us in the end!

SOIREE TAPES: I have the first set of dubs back, so those of you who ordered your videos of Becky Soiree and Real's fan event will be getting them in the next week or so. I did make extra dubs for those of you who haven't gotten your orders in yet. When those are gone, though, I'm not sure when I'll be having any more made. I'm so excited to hear what you all think of the tape!

HQ UPDATES: Speaking of the Soiree, I've added a page to HQ with some of my pictures from the GH weekend. There might even be one of your "mysterious" commander in there - LOL! Also, the TK Trauma Unit Regiment Page is up at HQ (or will be very shortly) and it's great! Do yourself a favor and take a look. And, just a reminder, I haven't forgotten about our Brigade theme song, Iris, being played at HQ. I just haven't gotten around to doing it yet. If anyone would like to help me out with this, just let me know.

KEEPERSHIP PAGE: While we are on the subject of pages at HQ, I know a lot of you are wondering about that keepership page I've been promising for ages. Since most of the regiment pages have their own keeperships listed, I've decided we don't need to repeat it on the main HQ page. So, check the regiment pages for what keeperships are taken. If you don't' see yours, email your regiment officers to have it added. If you are in the Reserves and want to claim your keepership, send it to me because I am going to put up a roster page for our Reserve Members. NOTE FROM JJ: I got a picture and a note in the mail from JJ the other day. He addressed it to Carrie and The L&L Brigade (it always throws me a little when people don't call me Boo), and he thanked us for the gifts and all the things we do for him. But the coolest part, I thought, was that he sent us a guitar pick with his bands logo on it. I think that some of you have mentioned getting these in the mail before, right? What a cool idea! I'm not sure what I'll do with it, but I like it! Here is a thought - can you scan guitar picks?

SSW4: The countdown continues for Super Soap Weekend 4. I still can't believe I'm going! I am thinking that I will plan our Brigade dinner on Friday night, September 24. That way we can all get to know each other right away and it won't interfere with any of the activities with the stars. I will continue to let you know for certain as I make more plans. If you haven't emailed Galor yet, and you are planning to attend, PLEASE! PLEASE! do so right now! I have to know how many to expect. Thanks! And, don't forget you can also email Galor is you want to purchase a L&L Brigade button for $2 or a hat for $10 to wear at SSW. She's at

JJ IN MOVIELINE: Did you all hear that our blue-eyed-boy is listed on the cover of Moveline? Go JJ!!! Lt. jnelmom of Liberty Regiment had a great idea that we should all email Movieline, thanking them for providing us with information on JJ and assuring them that we will be checking their magazine for future news on him. Let's give JJ a boost in the press! Maybe it will help him land the Anakin roll! Just go to their site at and there is a link to email them.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION CHAT: Here are Jenn's plans for this week's chat. Remember, if you've never been to the L&L Brigade Yahoo Room, email your officers for an invite.
All of you who are suffering from serious L&L withdrawal (and who isn't???) are gonna love this week's assignment, which is chock-full of great stuff. We'll start with Luke and Audrey's telephone conversation about Lucky (could Luke *be* more tortured as Audrey is telling him what a great job the Spencers did raising their son???) and watch through Liz's "Oh, my Gosh!" in Kelly's after overhearing Mr. Murty tell Sarah almost the exact words her rapist told her in the park. Included in this stellar hour-long group of scenes is the hilarious bit where Mike pretends he used to be intimate friends with "Rox", aka Helena, and the gut-wrenching trip back to the park when Liz describes the night of the rape to Lucky (every time I watch that scene, I am again mystified as to how Becky did not win the Emmy!). The memory food menu is rather limited again this week, but make sure to help yourself to a juice box or two from Audrey's fridge and have Liz steal you a donut from the kitchen. See you Wednesday night in the Brigade's Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. Contact pvt_jen, Ph.D. Dork, TK Trauma Unit with questions or comments at -- thanks!

TK BLOOPER TAPES: I can't believe I almost forgot the best news of the week! Copies of the infamous TK Blooper tape will be available on Becky's Fan Club website (as soon as it's up). That's all the information I have. I don't know how much it will be, when it will be available, or exactly how much will be on each tape. I will let you all know when I get any more information, though. I promise! I just wanted you all to know now so you can be anticipating :) What a great way to celebrate the anniversary of TK on Sept. 15!

Summer won't last forever, so everyone remember to enjoy yourselves this week!!!

|_ _| Boo

I have always loved animals. For my volunteer project, I decided to > volunteer at a local animal shelter. > I never knew that there are so many homeless animals in one area. Every > cage in the shelter was full. > My job was to give all the cats and dogs lots of attention and love, and > also clean out cages when it was needed. Giving the animals lots of > attention and love was really easy because they were all adorable! There > were a lot of kittens that were picked up off the street. How could anyone > get rid of such adorable little creatures? One day, I picked up this one > kitten who was looking out of the cage. Before I knew it, the kitten was > asleep and purring in my arms! It was so cute! > The first day I was at the shelter, I met this cute German Sheperd mix. He > was so calm; he never barked once! When I left, I was sad because the lady > who was fostering him said that she wasn't sure what was going to happen to > him if he was not adopted that day. Two weeks later, I found out that he > had been adopted to a great family. > It is not easy to volunteer at a shelter and not take every animal home with > you. It really makes me happy to know that I can make some of the animals > feel a little better by petting them or holding them, but it is sad to think > about all of the other animals in the world that don't have homes. >

Another volunteer project I am working on is called E-mail Angels. > Basically it is a group of people that have signed up to send jokes, e-mail > cards, and notes to people who are ill to make them smile. I got the idea > when I read a post at a website by a girl asking people to send stuff for > her father. She said that all of the e-mails made him laugh, and it also > made him happy to know that so many people cared about him even though they > didn't know him. My webpage is not very well known yet, but I have been > working on ways to make it more known. You can visit my page by going to >
~Erica NNN Regiment

Hi fellow brigadiers my name is Allison, I am 16 and from New Jersey. I have been a member of the Brigade since late 1998. I am an avid watcher of General Hospital and a loyal fan to both Jonathan Jackson and Rebecca Herbst.

Now that you know some things about me let me share with you my experiences of volunteering. I have two different volunteering jobs so first I will start with my volunteer work at the hospital. It has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl to become a doctor. I wanted to have a profession in which I could help people and make them feel better. So this summer I decided to start volunteering at a local hospital. That’s right I am a “candy striper.” I even get to wear the cool red and white pinafore (dress). At first I thought it looked kind of funny, but then I started to like it. Every Friday morning I go to the hospital and work a 5-hour shift. The shift starts at 8am and ends at 1pm. I work in the orthopedics wing, which deals with patients who have broken bones or injuries of that kind. The things that I do there are make beds, empty laundry bins, fill supply room, serve breakfast and lunch to the patients, fill up water containers, make up admission packets and file papers. Another thing that influenced me to volunteer at the hospital was when the teens of General Hospital. If memory serves me correct in the summer of 1996 Sarah, Nikolas, Lucky and Elizabeth did their volunteering at the hospital. It really showed me that even though I am a teenager and don’t have a medical degree I could still help out the hospital and their patients.

The other volunteering I did was helping out my grandmother’s neighbors with chores around their house. They are elderly people so they could use some help so I would go over there once or twice a week to help out. I would usually stay from 1:00pm to about 7:00pm. I would do things like helping out with the dishes, cutting the lawn, vacuuming, helping make lunch and dinner, and helping with the laundry. If I was not doing chores I would just sit with them and keep them company. I can’t even tell you how many games of gin rummy we played.

Volunteering has changed my life. I never would have thought that doing things to help people could be so fun. Both of my volunteering jobs have been so much fun and I definitely will continue doing both of these volunteer jobs and possibly start another.

L&L Brigade Newsletter August 15, 1999


Hey, I just looked at the date and realized we have exactly one month until the one year anniversary of TK. I wonder if GH will do anything to remember it. That might be too much to hope for, but we certainly will. Before that, though, we will have the Brigade's first anniversary! Wow! That just sort of snuck up on me, but we will definitely need to do something to celebrate.

What did you all think of Liz this week? When I saw her drawing flames on that picture, I got chills. GH hasn't affected me that much in too long. I've actually been counting down to Monday's show. Remember the days when you dreaded the weekends because there was no L&L? I miss those days!

WINNERS: I finally have the winners of our volunteer contest! I want to apologize for not announcing this sooner. I was hoping to have all the prizes gathered first, but we still don't have them quite ready yet. So, that means you have one more week of anticipation. I was so impressed with all the hours you guys put in. As I said before, Becky wants to recognize everyone who participated with a special gift and give an additional prize to the top four. It just so happens that the top four winners are from one of the four regiments. I didn't even realize that until I started to make the final list but I think it's so cool! They are Nadia from Boxcar, Amber from TK Trauma Unit, Angie from NNN, and MusMary from Liberty. Congratulations you guys!!!

SOIREE TAPES: I heard that some of you have gotten your tapes of Becky's Soiree in the mail already. That was fast! If you haven't gotten yours yet, don't worry because it was supposed to take a week to 10 days. I've read the comments on the boards and I'd really like to hear what all of you think once you've seen the tape. I have already run out of dubs and I'm still getting orders in. Before I have some more made, though, I'd like to get an idea of how many people are still planning on ordering one. So, if you haven't sent your check in the mail yet but you are going to want a copy, please let me know so I can have a dub made for you. Thanks.

SSW VIDEO: I really liked editing this tape for all of you, but it turned out to be a lot more work than I had anticipated. I would like to do one for SSW and try to get the message from Becky that I didn't get on this last one. I know that it will only be a couple of months after you bought the Soiree tape, though, and some of you might not be ready to buy another tape. So, before I commit myself to all this work again, I want to make sure there is a real interest. Would you guys be interested in getting a SSW tape? Of course, it would be different because I would be piecing together different events, but I would try to keep it at the same quality and try to throw in some extra stuff (like a message from Becky). Please give it a thought and let me know. Thanks!

SSW: Speaking of which, SSW keeps getting closer. The Brigade gathering will be on Friday night, 9/24. I'm still not sure of when and where, but I'm working on it. If you are planning to attend this get together and haven't gotten your name on the list yet, please email Lt. Galor5 at Remember, we are making reservations for the group so, if your name is not on the list, we might not have room for you. So, even if you are still undecided, let us know you might be there. Don't forget, you can also order L&L Brigade buttons for $2 and hats for $10 from Galor5.

NEW RECRUIT PAGE: Can you believe that the Brigade is still growing! To help with new recruits and to cut down on some of my emails, I have created a new page at HQ to tell people how to join the Brigade. I pretty much just copied the information letter that I always send out to people who ask about membership and created a new email account just for signing up. So, if you run across anyone who is interested in being a Brigader, you can now just direct them to this page. If anyone would like to make a banner to link to that page (or send me an old one) I'd love to put it up at HQ.

BANNERS: I want to thank you guys again for all the great banners you have been making. I am having fun picking a new one to post at the top of HQ every week and I've used some of them a few other places too. I don't usually give credit on the banners because I don't know who has made them. If you ever see your banner at HQ, though, and would like to get credit, just let me know.

CHUB CLUB: Have you all heard about Rosie's Chub Clubs? Basically, they get people to ban together to get fit and healthy while supporting each other and having fun. Well, a group of Brigaders decided they would like to form one of Rosie's Chub Clubs for Brigaders who want to get fit together. Pvt. JackieB is coordinating this and anyone who would like to join can email her at All I can say is, "Good for you guys!"

JJ ON ACCESS HOLLYWOOD: There will be a special "soap themed" Access Hollywood on Saturday, August 21. JJ will be one of the actors interviewed. Now, it seems to me Access Hollywood did the same thing last summer. Is this something they do every year? I don't know, but I saw a little preview for it this week and I'll definitely be checking it out. Access Hollywood is syndicated, so you'll have to check the listings to see what time it's on in your area.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: Ahh.... the good old days :)
This week's assignment is once again jam-packed with fabulous L&L scenes (we're still in the glorious era when Liz and Lucky are living together in her room), and we finally get to eat! :) Our scenes begin with Lucky on Helena's boat getting the assignment to break into Dara's office to get info on Tony's kidnapping trial, and we'll end with the much-anticipated "worst dinner ever!" at Kelly's that Liz makes for Lucky -- watch out for that salt, Liz! I clocked the scenes for the week to be 1 hour and 2 minutes. And now for the memory food menu -- get yourself a spinach salad with 2 forks, some club soda, 2 French-sounding main courses, and some chocolate mousse cake (call the PC Grille -- I think they deliver, and you can just put it on Nik's bill!), or the chocolate shake Liz makes Lucky at Kelly's, extra thick, extra whipped cream, or the first brownies Liz makes (just follow the directions and who knew!). You probably want to avoid the super-salty potatoes and stringly-looking meat dish that Liz makes Lucky! See you Wednesday night in the Brigade's Yahoo chat room at 9:00 EST / 6:00 PST. For questions, contact pvt. jen at -- thanks!

FORWARDS: Just a quick reminder to everyone to please not add Brigaders to your forwards list without their permission. I've been getting just a few complaints again that people's mailboxes are getting full of unwanted and repeat forwards. So, please remember what a big group we are and use good judgment. Thanks!

Tomorrow is finally Monday! I love the fact that I'm anxious for GH again! Even if the episode isn't as great as I'd like it to be, just having the anticipation back is worth it for me. Everyone enjoy!

|_ _| Boo

L&L Brigade Newsletter August 22, 1999


Sorry this is getting out a day late, but I had some last minute things come up this weekend. So, happy Monday to everyone!

I wonder if it is still premature for us to celebrate a victory. After last week's shows and the new scoops, though, I don't think so. I think we got to TPTB, Brigaders. I think they finally heard us! Did you see how many times Lucky was mentioned last week? And what about the way Liz has been behaving? Our Liz is back!!! All we need now is for Tony Geary to get back from vacation and I won't be able to stop grinning.

Did you all see the feature on JJ on the weekend addition of Access Hollywood? I'm even more excited about "Purple Haze" now. It's coming out in November, I think. Anyone know if I'm right? Forgive me, but I do have to say that the girl who is in it with him just doesn't seem to fit him like Becky did. I know... I know.... no girl would be good enough for us L&L fans.

SOAPS IN DEPTH: Well, apparently, the new issue of SID has a photo of Becky and... none other than.... yours truly. Actually, the whole GH Weekend and the Soiree are covered and includes a picture of me and Becky. I'm a little hesitant to even tell you guys about it because I've not seen the picture myself. I hope I don't look like a fool :)! I guess you guys will have to be the judge of that. I was told the caption is wrong because it says that I'm the fan who bid for a lunch with Becky. I think it was actually another Brigader who won that lunch. But, the picture is me. At least, that's what I've been told. As soon as I send this I'm off to the store to see for myself.

VOLUNTEER CONTEST: I should have the prizes for our summer Volunteer Contest some time this week. You guys have waited long enough, I know, but I hope the anticipation was at least part of the fun. Each Brigader who participated is going to get an original sketch by Becky. Wow! I think that's pretty incredible, but you guys deserve it! The top four winners will also get a sketch as well as a signed GH script and.... maybe... one other surprise :). Here is the list of Brigders who participated. If you are on this list, please email me an address where I can send your prize. And, again, thanks to all of you for all you did!

Erica (NNN), Angie, Quinn, LCiam, Jocelyn, Amber (TK), Blue2Cool, Rachel (Liberty), MusMary, Nadia, Kerri (TK), Hanallie, CJ (TK), Jackie (TK), Allison, Roxy (TK).

SSW: I'm going to be making our reservations for the Brigade SSW dinner to be Friday night, 9/24, in the very near future. If you have not yet given your information to Lt. Galor and you are planning to join us, please email her this week at You can still get your L&L Brigade buttons and hats from her too. I plan to be wearing my in Florida!

BRIGADE ANNIVERSARY: Can you believe the L&L Brigade is almost, officially, one year old. Actually, many of us have been together longer than that, but it was September 5th that we got our first web site and became the L&L Brigade. To recognized this milestone, I'd like to have a special banner posted at HQ and for people to post. So, I'm calling all of you creative banner makers out there to come up with something special. Just send me your creations and I'll share them everyone.

SOIREE TAPES: I'm going to have the next set of dubs made in another week so, if you haven't sent me your check or emailed me that it's coming and you would like me to have a dub for you, please email me ASAP. I'm so thrilled that you guys are enjoying your tapes. I love reading your reactions :) I have the rest of the pictures back too. There is a great one of Becky surrounded by Brigaders. I hope to get them scanned and posted in the next few days.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: Remember, if you've never been to the Brigade Yahoo room and you'd like to attend these chats, please email your regiment officers for an invite:
Can I get a drumroll, please? At long last we have finally come to the scenes in which Liz and Lucky go on the run together! The scenes for this week begin with Liz and Lucky discussing Audrey's invitation to Katherine and Stefan's engagement party and run thru the first half of the episode with Laura's *real* return to Port Chuckles (aka, when she comes home for Luke and not for the Bat!) -- watch thru Liz's conversation with Audrey at GH when she agrees to check in regularly but firmly decides not to return home. We'll save Lucky and Laura's confrontation at the club for next week since including it made the assignment too long -- let's put off the angst, shall we? Our hour-long assignment includes L&L's first dance together at Spook Island, their night under the docks, and their department store adventures. This week's memory food menu includes L&L's dream breakfast while they're on the run (orange juice, toast, and eggs over-easy with runny yolks), their real breakfast (those stale-looking little donuts), and the meal that Chef Lucky whips up in the dept. store (spaghetti and brownies). Put on your pair of laser-detecting sunglasses, and we'll see you in the Brigades Yahoo chatroom on Wednesday at 9:00 EST/6:00 PST. As always, direct questions to your hostess, pvt. jen, at -- thanks!

Everyone have a wonderful week!
|_ _| Boo


Since I don't have lots of free time to volunteer, I decided to go for the prize for volunteering at the most different things. . . . . . I'm just kidding, but I did suddenly notice quite a few volunteer opportunities around me, and realized a couple of things I was already doing on a volunteer basis, as well.

One of these things is my work for "SoapFan," Boo's magazine. As some of you may have noticed, I have been writing articles on a regular basis, and I have also been acting as copy editor for a lot of the stories and articles. I've had a really good time with it, and I am thankful to Boo for giving me the opportunity and experience.

Another writing assignment I had accepted was for an organization in which I am a state officer, "Feminists for Life." This is a pro-life organization that works for equality and justice for all human beings, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, age, size, or stage of life. I have volunteered for them in several capacities in the past, and have recently begun to write articles for their quarterly magazine, "The American Feminist." During the time period of the volunteer contest, I wrote an article on infanticide. I know it sounds depressing, but it was really interesting to see how many different areas of society have been affected by our society's declining respect for human life. It was also kinda fun to do research, again - like being back in college (except I had to fit it between my 2 jobs & other stuff in my life!). If anyone's interested in finding out more about Feminists for Life, please feel free to e-mail me, or check out their Web site at

I also did something I've been wanting to do for years: I started volunteering for "Habitat for Humanity." I had worked with them on my spring break my senior year in college, and think they're a great organization. I've been on their mailing list for about 3 years, but had not taken that extra step to actually work on a site, until this contest came up. I worked on a couple of houses that were almost done, so we were doing a variety of "finishing touches" type of stuff. We also met one of the homeowners, and it was rewarding to meet one of the people who was benefiting from our efforts. It was really fun, and I plan on trying to spend a Saturday working with them once a month, or so.

Several years ago, I spent a year of my life in the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. This is an organization kind of like the Peace Corps - I worked full time in social services, and lived with other volunteers. I worked at a crisis pregnancy center, and volunteered there for another year, until I moved to another state. Since then, I have been wanting to get back into volunteering on a regular basis (I've done a few "one-day" things here and there), so I am really grateful to the Brigade and this contest for giving me the kick I needed to start, and for reminding me how good it feels to give your time in service to others.

|_ _| ~LCiam

L&L Brigade Newsletter 8/29


We did it!!! It's official! Victory for the Brigade! Our "Keep GH Charming" Campaign was an unbelievable success! All of those letters and boxes of Lucky Charms worked, and Liz is grieving and remembering Lucky as she should. After Thursday and Friday's fabulous episodes, I declare Pod-Liz (as many have taken to calling Liz over the last few month) to be dead! And, if TPTB even think of resurrecting her in the future, we will know what to do!

Seriously, hasn't GH been great? Those of you who frequent the Brigade GH boards have, I'm sure, noticed I've been a posting fool this past week. It's so good to want to run to the computer after every show again. I've missed it!

NEW CAMPAIGN: This is really more of a follow up to our Charming Campaign, but just as important. If TPTB need to be told when they are messing the show up, then it makes sense that they also need it pointed out when they are getting things right. So, if you are as happy as I am to see Liz acting like the Liz we know and love, and if you are as relieved as I am that she isn't forgetting Lucky at all, then please LET THEM KNOW! Write to TPTB and let them know that this is the stuff that will make you run home to your TV every day to watch. Also, if bad publicity can work then good publicity should work too. Write to the Soap magazine with letters praising GH for listening to their fans and taking into consideration what we ask for. I mean, if the big wigs see that kind of press won't they want to keep it up? I think it's as important for us Brigaders to be known for expressing our happiness with the show as much as our displeasure. So, let's work together to let them know we loved what we saw last week!

General Hospital
4151 Prospect Ave.
Hollywood, CA 90027

SUPER SOAP WEEKEND: Right now we have about 30 people signed up to be at our Brigade gathering the Friday night before SSW. If you still haven't signed up, and you think you might join us, please let Lt. Galor know at Also, if you would still like to order a $10 L&L Brigade hat from Galor, she will need to have your order in the next week. She'll be bringing the $2 L&L Brigade buttons with her to SSW, though, so those you can also buy those from her there. I have decided that I will definitely be doing a SSW video. It will be offered just like the Soiree tape, although it will probably be longer. I'll have more information on that later.

BRIGADE ANNIVERSARY: Our fist year anniversary of being the official L&L Brigade Fan Club is one week from today. Sept. 5, 1998 - Sept. 5, 1999. Have you all seen the beautiful banner that Pvt. CarlyVH made for us up at HQ? It's a perfect way to announce the occasion! I'm going to host an Anniversary chat in the Brigade room at Yahoo next Saturday at 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern. (I know that is one day early, but I can't do it on Sunday.) I hope a lot of you will come and reminisce about the past year with me. To get ready for it, and for those who can't make the chat, I'm going to start a special thread on the Brigade GH boards this week where everyone can share their favorite Brigade memory. Even if you haven't been in the Brigade for most of the year, I hope you will still help us celebrate by telling us what you've enjoyed the most. I can't wait to see what everyone remembers!

YAHOO ROOM: Speaking of chats, I just want to let everyone know something that was brought to my attention about the Yahoo room. Those of you who use it know that it is supposed to tell you who is in the room before you enter. Lately, though, it's has been posting "none" when their are people chatting. So, you might want to enter the room and double check if people are there. And, remember, you have to be invited to the room the first time. So, if you've never been, let me or one of you officers know if you'd like an invitation. In addition to the Reunion Chats, the NNN host an all Brigade chat everyone Friday night that's been a lot of fun. So, stop by sometime.

WRAPPING UP SOIREE BUSINESS: I finally have the rest of the pictures from Becky's Soiree posted at HQ. Sorry it took me so long, but I've been really busy lately. There is a great one of Becky surrounded by Brigaders. I didn't put a list of the names up because I want to respect everyone's privacy. However, there is a thread at the Brigade GH boards called, "Becky with Brigaders," that some people are using to identify themselves. I will also be getting the next, and possibly final, set of dubs of the Soiree tape made later in the week. If you have not yet requested a copy, and you would like to order one, please email me ASAP so that I can have one made for you.

VOLUNTEER PRIZES: Becky just couldn't limit herself and has added a few more prizes for you guys. Everyone is getting a photo of Becky as well as a sketch. (I requested my very favorite photo of her for you guys, so I hope you like it as much as I do). The top four winners are also going to get bracelets that Becky made herself. They are a little hard to describe, so I'll let you all do that for us when you get yours. She wanted to make sure you knew that she made them with her own hands, so she had a picture of her taken while she was making them. I'm supposed to get a copy this week, so I'll try to get it up at HQ soon. Now, I ask you, what other person on earth treats her fans like that? :) If you haven't given me a mailing address yet, and you participated in the contest, please get it to me ASAP because I'll be mailing everything out this week.

BECKY IN TV GUIDE: Now, before you all rush out to buy it, she's not in a recent TV Guide. Becky's mom just told me that Becky did a photo shoot and interview last week for a feature in TV Guide. It will be in connection with the Hugh Hefner project so it won't be out until, at the earliest, late fall. But, it's something we can look forward to and we Brigaders are the very FIRST to know about it! Wow! What great publicity for Becky.

MAGAZINE WATCH: JJ has been appearing in more and more non soap magazines (I heard he's in the new Movieline) and it looks like Becky will probably be following soon. It's hard to keep up. Is there someone out there who would like to be a magazine watcher for our newsletters. All you would have to do is to email me when you spot or find out about JJ or Becky being in a non soap magazine. I can put it in the next newsletter so no one misses it. If anyone out there prizes themselves on keeping up on all this stuff, let me know. Thanks!

RICHARD'S NEW ROLE: JJ's brother, Richard Lee Jackson, has landed a recurring role on the Lifetime series, "Any Day Now." That's the show with Anni Potts that is half in B&W and half in color, if any of you might have seen it. He will be airing sometime next season. There is more information at JJ and Richard's official site.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT REUNION: This week Jen has planned my favorite L&L moment - the "angel" scene on the docks.
I know we got a tad frivolous last week (har har! what an understatement!), but I guarantee there will be a great deal of on-topic discussion of this week's scenes. We are up to the point of serious angst caused by the return of Laura to Port Charles. We begin this hour-long assignment with Lucky and Laura's confrontation at the club, and we'll watch through the end of Liz and Lucky's 'on the run' period, stopping when Liz tells Lucky she's decided to stay and try to work things out with Audrey while Sarah leaves for Europe. This set of scenes has some great Luke and Laura moments as well as Liz and Lucky's 'angel' scene on the docks, followed by the 'Frozen' montage. And be warned in advance -- I'm bringing one of my infamous 'page of notes' to the chat, so I'm gonna make this discussion on-topic if it kills me! :) If you can eat during this stuff (maybe you can hold off running to the kitchen until Sarah starts blathering about Europe!), Chef Lucky will be offering to fix you pancakes or eggs and bacon -- anything goes as long as you don't have to eat it out a can! Get yourself some OJ or 'Cola' (mmm! tasty!) and join us in the Yahoo Chat on Wednesday at 9:00 EST \ 6:00 PST. Questions? Contact pvt. jen at -- thanks! See you there!

Enjoy the return of our Liz this week! Let TPTB know how you feel! And I hope to see a lot of you on Saturday!

|_ _| Boo


Pvt. Hanallie
Boxcar Regiment I have been volunteering as a receptionist at the Inter-faith Council's Community House, a local homeless shelter. My responsibilities are answering phones, greeting guests, unlocking the storage closets, giving elevator access, taking sign-ups to visit the social worker, and anything else I can do to free the hands of the night managers to do their jobs. I chose to work with the IFC because of JJ and RH's religious beliefs and also because I have heard of their great work through my own church. I also have done some babysitting so that other couples can keep their romances alive and because I know what a blessing good babysitters have been to our marriage. First, I want to say how much this volunteer opportunity has meant to me. I have had the chance to do something I have always wanted, to give a little to those in poverty. Although I never lived in a homeless shelter, my mother had a tough job raising a family of six on her own and she sacrificed much to give us the home we did have. Low-income was our status and I know the humility and all too often shame my mother experienced. The shelter has also given me a chance to boost my self confidence and work with new people which I enjoy. Being a full-time mom, I often don't communicate with others outside my sphere of play-mates, neighbors, church friends, and the Brigade. I was out of practice. My time at the shelter is also the only time I have once a week to completely put my loved ones out of my mind and I feel I am a healthier person for it. So thank you all for leading me into this project. I feel I have gained so much more than I have given. The shelter I work in is primarily designed to be short-term for individuals, but more and more we have seen families there. Seeing the children is of course the hardest and most thought provoking thing. I have met so many courageous and kind kids. Many take on so much responsibility in their families. It is as if it takes very little to see into their souls somehow. They are good and deserve a lot in life. The shelter also provides meals for anyone in the community who feels they are in need. Often senior citizens come to enjoy a good meal since their incomes are so little. Members of the community can also come for showers or arrange to receive their mail there, or to clinics for exams. I had not known how much the shelter provided to those who weren't guests. The guests have strict guidelines they must follow including being clean and sober and curfews. There is a floor for women and children and a separate floor for men. So from 8p.m. on the mothers are alone with their children downstairs. They are also set up with social workers who help them meet goals, get daycare, find jobs, and get psychiatric care if needed. Our first year here in NC we lived in a humble trailer. I remember the hard time I had entertaining my daughter in so little space. I look at the infants and toddlers as they head down to their rooms in the evenings and imagine mothers trying to keep them out of mischief in their rooms that often have space for a bed and not much else. I realize every day how lucky I am and how much we have. The most rewarding experience happened just a couple weeks ago, a guest said good-bye. He had gotten into an apprentice program and saved enough money to get an apartment. He is a kind young man, smart, and hard working. Some guests have had addiction problems, broken-homes, abuse, mental disabilities and psychiatric problems. Some you'd never know the difference from you and me. I admire them all for getting help. This project has been very meaningful to me. Pvt. Hanallie (Allie H.)

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