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Kanga's Home Page

Hi, my name is Kanga. Even though you are disturbing my nap, I'd like to tell you about myself and my family. In case you are not familiar with different types of dog breeds, I am a Beagle. I was born July 6, 1998. My human-dogs brought me home on September 21, where I now live in ultimate splendor. This is me on the back of the couch (you can see it's one of my favorite places). Mommadog trimmed the picture because when it came back from the developer, I was not the main part (can you imagine that?). I spend a lot of my day playing with the children in the "daypack". It snowed here right before my first Christmas (that day where everyone tears up lots of paper, yum!yum!), and I was pretty nervous, but after a few minutes, I decided that I loved it! It was hard to get me to come inside. Of course my growling tummy eventually took over! I really prefer to drive the car, but they say my legs are too short to reach the pedals. Since I get carsick when I ride in my crate, I am allowed to ride in the seat as long as I don't roam (a difficult thing for a beagle). The only problem I have with that is -- car rides make me drool...yuck! This is my boy, Teddy. Don't worry, that large, yellow creature behind him won't eat him up. That's Pikachu -- Teddy has a stuffed one that I love to hide from him (hehehe)! He's my boy, and also my favorite littermate.
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My Favorite Links

Portland Beaglefest 2000 Site
My Packmates (the human kind)
Aries the Great -- My IBarc Buddy
Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue
Home of the Beagle (Great Site with Lots to Share!)
