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I've written poems, stories, and letters about a very special person in my life. He wasn't in my life for very long, as he died when I was just 6yrs old. This man was my father, and the only person in my younger years who was always there, who cared more about his children than anything else. Everything my father did was for his children and family. I missed out on alot when he died, and always wondered if he had lived, would my life have been different?! The answer to that is definitely yes! He was a bright and shining light in my life and I miss him terribly!
This page will be about the impact he made in my life, even at the young age of 6yrs. Enjoy what you see here, and email me or sign my guest book on my main page. Take the time today to make someone smile!:o)

I was smiling that warm September morning as I ran out the door of our Southern California home. I heard Chris yell "DONT SLAM THE DOOR!!" just as the screen door slammed shut behind me. But I was in too much of a hurry and didnt have time to stop! I made it to the car just as it started to pull away. I waved my arms like crazy and shouted above the roaring engine. Then, I heard my dads deep baritone voice say "Wait George, Karen needs something!" My Uncle George was the type of man who was always on time and didn't appreciate being slowed down or bothered with children. Yet, at my fathers request, he stopped the car, and waited. He looked angry, and I was a bit scared. I swallowed the lump in my throat and approached slowly.
When I got to the window, my father was smiling, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. He was running late and really didn't have time for a little girls ramblings. So, quick as I could, I said "Daddy, Please please, can you pull this tooth for me?" He glanced over and my uncle, who was shaking his head NO, saying "Bud, we're already late as it is!" I glanced at my uncle, then at my dad, wondering if I should just leave and let them go. I started to turn and walk away, when I saw my dad open the car door. I smiled happily, with the thought that he would take the time out of his busy day just for a loose tooth! He went to the trunk of his car and pulled out the biggest pair of pliers I had ever seen. I backed up when I heard my dads booming voice say, "Come Here Little Girl!" I giggled and ran, but he caught me and held me tight! I giggled again, burying my hands in his beard. He spoke softly, saying, "Now show me that tooth." I opened my mouth to show him a tiny tooth barely hanging on by a thread. He smiled, saying "Now Angel girl, close your eyes and count to three, No peaking!" With a twist and a tug, out came the tooth! He dropped it in my tiny hand, and set me down. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, and got back into the car. The whole neighborhood could hear that car start up. And I covered my ears as my uncle gunned the engine and took off. I stood on the curb and waved till they were out of sight. I shouted "I LOVE YOU DADDY!!" Im not sure if he ever heard me, and I won't ever know the answer.
You see, my dad died that night at work. Because he stopped to take the time to pull my tooth, he had to work later than usual. That night a tank my dad was welding on exploded and he fell 125ft to his death.
This is the end of the story, but I have to say something here.. I know personally how much it hurts to lose someone you love. I've lost countless family members and friends I cared very deeply for, and know the struggle of finding your way back from that loss. But, there is something here that needs saying. We never know what tomorrow holds, nor do we know if the one we love will be here tomorrow, or even tonight. So, if you love someone, SAY IT, LIVE IT, and ACT IT! Treasure every second you have with the ones you love. Dont let a day go by without some random act of kindness, or a gentle word or touch. We all NEED to FEEL loved. Don't put off till tomorrow what you can say or do today to show how much you care! Its so true what they say there, cuz you never know if that person will be there the next day. Take the time today, to enjoy a rainbow or a sunset. Share a hug, or a story with someone you love. Spend as much time with them as possible. Don't pass up an opportunity to make someone smile. I say all this and I know its been said a hundred times before, but it never hurts to hear it again. This story about my dad is very true. And I never got to tell him again that I loved him, never got another kiss goodnight, and I never got to hear him sing and play his guitar again. And today I wonder alot. If he had lived, would my life have been different? Yes I do believe it would have. My dad was the greatest, kindest most loving man I have ever known, and if I could see him today, if only for a moment, I would tell him just that!

When he died,
I didn't understand,
Why he didn't come,
When I called!

I didn't understand
Why he couldn't hold me tight
Or why he would no longer
Be here to teach me
Wrong from Right!

This six year old child,
Was alone and lost
In the wild!
He would no longer
Be there to catch me
If I were to fall!

But, worst of all
I could never again
Tell my daddy,
Just how much,
I loved and adored him!

By Karen
June 21, 1999

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Some of my fondest memories growing up are of my dad. He was the strength and the rock of our family. When he died, we all lost something very precious! This next story is about something I learned about a fathers love. If you have heard the song, *Fathers Don't Just Love Their Children Every Now and Then* you will know what this story means to me!

When I was just four years old, I went with my dad and a bunch of others to Canada to camp. I was fascinated with rainbows and my dad lead me to a waterfall that was filled with jumping and dancing rainbows. At least in the eyes of a four year old they were! *smiles* I remember asking my dad if I could climb down the rocks to catch one. He laughed and said NO that it was too dangerous. Well for those of you who have children, you know how curious and head strong a 4yr old can be. And even if you don't, you have at one time or another met up with such a child. I was no different! I waited till my dad was out of sight, and guess what I did? Yes, I climbed down the rocks and tried to catch a rainbow! Now I really thought you could catch them but soon found out I was wrong. I tried several times to catch one, and slipped on the rocks and nearly fell into the churning water. Now as you can imagine, I got pretty scared! I tried to climb up the rocks but they were wet too.

I got really scared and started crying. But I didnt want to get into trouble, so I kept quiet. But my dad heard me, and came running. When he didnt find me right away, he looked over the edge of the rocks. There he found me, and the look in his eye told me I was in BIG trouble! But I couldnt climb the rocks all on my own, so I really needed his help!

My father climbed down the rocks and brought me to safety. I was soo happy to be safe again, and in my fathers arms, that I hugged him really tight. He lifted me away from him and I got a good look at his eyes. What I saw scared me! I had never ever seen my dad cry! But there were tears streaming down his face as he set me down and sat down. He put me in his lap, and asked if I knew why he was crying. I shook my head no and waited for the worst! I knew he would be angry because I had done what he told me not to. I never in my wildest dreams expected what I heard him say! But I still remember it to this very day!

He told me that he loved me, and that when he saw me down there on the rocks, he got really scared for me. He asked me if I understood, and I said yes, in a tiny voice. I said I was sorry, and he said "My lil Angel Girl, Please don't ever ever scare me like that again! I would be lost if I lost you!" I cried then, knowing that no matter what, he loved me! And, that he would always be here to protect and comfort me. From that day on I was called his Rainbow Angel Girl. I promised him I would never again do anything like that, and he held me. He carried me back to camp and told everyone to keep a closer eye on me! *smiles* I really thought I would get spanked or some kind of punishment, but he had decided that being stuck on the rocks below was more than enough to keep me from ever trying that again!

Later that summer he came home from work to find me chasing rainbows with the sprinkler, and he said it looked like I was dancing..Hence the name

Its funny the things we remember,
Of the people from our past.
They may be gone today,
But our memories of them,
Will always last!

When I close my eyes, I can see
My daddys eyes,
Staring back at me.
They're so full of love and caring.
He gave me strength, and made me daring!

Like the day
I tried to catch a rainbow.
Sliding down the rocks,
I tried to be careful!
Even after daddy told me NO!

I saw the fear in his eyes,
When he saw me slipping.
Watched as he wiped
The tears away,
When he pulled me to safety!

I thought he was angry,
But I soon found out,
Exactly how much he loved me!
I really thought I would get,
A well deserved spanking
But instead, he just held me tightly!

On the ground he sat,
Cross legged, with me,
Safely in his lap!
His words cut me deep!
With tears in his eyes,
He said, "Child don't EVER,
Scare me like that, PLEASE!"
I sat and cried!

In this heart of a four year old child,
I knew Daddy would always,
Be there to catch me when I'd fall!
His hands were strong, and gentle
He could hold me tight,
Or, play his guitar softly,
Through the night!
And when I had a nightmare,
He was always there!

By Karen
June 20,1999

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