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The Other Side of Reality


You have just enterd into an area where reality bends in unspeakable ways , a place where normality no longer exists ...where chaos is the norm and the sickness roams free , ready to consume all whom cross it's path ...welcome to the mouth of madness ...Welcome to Spector's Crypt....Homepage for I , your tour guide on your decent into darkness ...Clay Cleveland. Many of you whom visit this site know me already , hell why would you vist this shit hole if you did not right ;) ....but for those that do and espically for those that don't I shall give a breif disclaimer fro what you may find ahead. This is of corse my personal homepage but also the home for my two alter egos Damian Spector and Enix Xion. Both charcters were created (and copyrited) by me many many years ago as both a game and a reality. Because of the graphic nature of the two charcters I feel I must take it upon myself to warn you that if you are at all offended or turned away by images and text refering to but not limited to ; Sex , Drugs , Evil , Deamons , Hell , Satan , Vampires , Blood and Gothic Images then I ask that you please now exit the Crypt and return to your apparently shelterd and boring life....I'll give you to the count of 5.............Ok , if your still here then onward we go ...please keep all hands and feet inside the webpage at all times ...Thank You.

Enter Spector's Crypt
Step into Casa de' Enix

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