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Angel's Heaven Love


(The man is fiction, or is he? But the feelings are mine.) What is love? Just the word drives some to great fear. Others it inspires to great levels of excellence. Love is many things. We all have our definition of it. It brings deep feelings from within, and a few are free to express what they are feeling.Others find it a hard pill to swallow. I shall attempt to share my definition of it. He seems to seek me out, says very little. But in that, says so much. As the months progress we find ourselves being drawn to talk to each other more and more. I find myself wondering what does he really want. Does he want a friendship of lasting quaility? Or is it more, or less?. Am I reading to much to into this?. These are question's we all ask of ourselves. He makes my heart sing. I feel such joy as I see him come online. I find myself wondering, what would it be like to be near him? To be able to touch his face. Look deep into his eyes, and perhaps...kiss his lips. This man has touched my heart. He is in me, fills me, completes me. It may be one sided as he has never expressed himself. He says I am important to him. That he cares, and he calls me his love, and sweetie. As these months have past, I found myself falling in love with this man. A man whom I have never met in person. It is as it should be.It feels right. I know alot of people find it hard to believe. They say you can not fall in love with someone you haven't met. But I say to them. Until it happens to you,judge not. Over the centuries, people have been falling in love through letters. This medium is no different. It is writting and expressing your deepest thoughts and desires to each other.Love knows no boundaries or limits. Love is the greatest gift you can give yourself, and to others.Our lives are so much richer for it. Many hold back, afraid of being hurt. I say,your hurting yourself more by not experiencing love first hand. We are all open to hurt with everything we do.Just by living we are subject to hurt. Why not allow yourself to experience love, feel it, let it in. Go deeper in love,allow it to envelope you. Nothing warms the heart more than being in love. There are many kinds of love.As this is only one kind I have found here. As I wake, the morning greats me with birds in song.My eyes view the sun as it rushes in to warm my face.My first wakeing thoughts are of you.It brings a smile* to my lips, my heart feels warm as if your love is surounding it. I can feel your embrace,as I envision you.The very sky seems bluer than usual.The air crisper,cleaner. I shut my eyes and I see you. I smile* as I see you in my minds eye. You are in me. I feel you, I sense you.Loving you brings me such joy.There shall be no clouds, or storms to harsh,I love you. This page and it's contents are under copy write and no portion of it may be printed on any site or book without specific written consent. © by Angê£que Çrêation's Inc.
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