By John Heinz

Welcome to my web page! Well, maybe it's not all that amazing. it's probably more amazing that I am actually getting around to doing this than the site itself. I hope that you enjoy it and come back with friends. 

I'm hoping to stir up some interest in a few topics that interest me, leave a few bits of knowledge that I have picked up, help a few people find some things they need, and perhaps help pay a few bills in the process. I will try to keep it updated, but you know how this sort of stuff goes. 

  My main points of interest are:

Please check out the links page, as I have a number of affiliate program links which will hopefully help to pay for things around here. There are links on other pages to pertinent places on the web for those subjects, so the links page will be entirely for all those annoying banners and similar commercial brouhaha, although some of it could be good for finding things you would like to purchase, should you wish to. This should keep the blatant commercialism to a minimum elsewhere. 

 Also, it may seem like there is a bit of duplication of links, but I like to be thorough, and I have often worked for people who seemed be alumnus of Doitover U, in the department of redundancy department. So I am somewhat used to this and see no need to change it.

I Hope the pages will be self explanatory.