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[ ? Welcome ] to the Tradness

? 2006 December 5th

Consider my shit updated.

Okay, this will probably be my last update of the year, probably even the last one on this website, you want more shit, then go to my MySpace. Tyso's fan club the Sou Patro has broken up now that Tyso doesn't play hockito anymore. So for all the Sou Patro Heroes who thought Sou had a promising career in the ball hockey leagues you have been proven wrong!

I do have to make an honorable mention of the last big bash of the summer, the Kegstravablabla 2006. Unfortunately there wasn't any pics from this even, there was a keg full of Alexander Keiths, and a lot of keg stands.

The Slapshots of course have been tearing it up on the floor with a 10-1-1 season, but now the team has folded as the salary cap isn't allowing us to afford the skilled Tyso (once he's off Long Term Injury Reserve), and the D-Rizzo, who is retiring from ball hockey to focus on his baking.

Lastly, keep your channels locked to Channel 10, because the wrestlin' tapes have been released, and Sou will be in action as the great and mighty Pimpator, here's a preview:

Pimpator (Tyso) being "positioned" by Big Rocky Mountain in this early wrasslin' photo.

After the embarrassing loss to Big Rocky Mountain (see left), Pimpator (Tyso) had to sport the mask and cape to keep his identity a secret. Once people began to forget about the incident Pimpator went on to become GMLWF Heavyweight Champion.
* GMLWF = Greasy Man Love Wrestling Federation



Navigate: F.i.L. Landmarchts | The Wonderful World of Computo (tyso don't know) | Dedication to my Princess | The Boys, D-Ran and Tristan | Bring back the Darrentown | Our Newest Leader...almost | WebEditing+Corona40oz=This Page | Presenting...Your F.I.L. Reprezentativ's | Dikshionary | Dance Lessons | Stupid Humans | Radio Free Alcona | My Cousin Charlie | Drivers That Are Gay | Dialup vs. Hispeed | WHOAAAA | F.I.L. Hockey League | Gallery of Beautiful Peeps | Chefs | The origins of Randy! :navigatE


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Tyso on dialup innat.

Layin' Pipe All Night Long Canada Day Long Weekend Campstravaganza

So here's the story. First of all 'campstravaganza' was campstravagastic! The Layin' Pipe All Night Long Canada Day Long Weekend Campstravaganza was a great success. All the main dudes were there, including our host Big Man, my main man Tyso, and the ever so enchanting Cassandra! The whole weekend consisted of drinking, playing velcro catch, fireworks, 4-wheelin', horseshoes, badminton, and lots of drinking! Plus the ever so appetizing Cove Cafe Hungryman Breakfast! Unfortunately I didn't get my kiddie pool to lounge and drink and eat hot dogs in. But we did get like $200 in explosives. We also had a four-disc set of Campstravaganzing tunes! All and all it was good times all around. Even Skeet Skeet got in on the action.

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[ DarrenTown | Tristan's Alcona Stylez | Jakeslicin']