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The Lenny -Spreader.of.truth-
Rock on like a motha
You my friend, have stumbled upon the internet pot of gold. Here, Investigative Journalism flows free like diarhea from a fat man's asshole. The founders and main investigative journalists on this site are LennyHendrix and MIKE AWESOME. Below you will be introduced to them and can read more about them in their ABOUT US section if you wish.

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The Truth Starts Here

As a former Burger King employee, electronics store employee, furniture salesmen and former landscaper, the transition to investigative journalist is a natural step for me.


My current situation of unemployment and living in my parents house with unlimited internet access allows me to become a internet folk-hero. Here you will read things that will raise the hair on your head (and possibly your ass). You may also be compelled to shit your pants.


hallo dudes :D. my name is MIKE. I am 15 and my DAD is RICH. but he is a asshole 2 :D. i am on teh internet ALL THE TIME.


Lennay had recruted mee becuz i am a god righter an cuz im smart. i also get ALOT of chicks an sometimes fuck em in there ass 2 :D. i never had a job becuz pppl. with jobs SUCK becuz they always talk about how bad it SUCKS an i look at them like dude you SUCK like your job HAHAH.

Burt Reynolds shood B a POLITICIAN

anyway dudes we like to MAKE PPL LERN and we want to maike u lern 2 :D. if ur fealing really AWESOME plese email MY DAD an call him a FAG haha his email is here: l8r dudes keep it rill my nillz haha im black

tony just SMASHED that fuckin BALL haha

You can now access this site by this easy to remember URL:

Who farted?
Look at this guy

I stole this design from blogger

Tis is a counter. Do not shit your pants.