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NOTE: This page and all the pages within it have moved to a new location and will no longer update here. Please visit this page at its new address: If you were led here, please contact me so that I can change the link to the new location.

Entria... a distant, inaccessible area in which all worlds inside a universe are created. The one that runs Entria must always make sure that power is in a balance to stop anything from the control of all dimensions within it. Should one power become too much of a threat, it is said that something is able to exterminate this threat in one instant... by breaking that universe into nothing and replacing it with a new one.

The following writings in here all apply to the laws of Entria, and range from certain people trying to help keep this balance in worlds, or short stories that apply to a world within it but have a different focus.

The Laws of Entria - Basic concepts and laws which (usually) apply to every single piece of work in this section

Where it all started... Entria 1

"Entria 2": Creation - Um... I'm temporarily taking this down to be worked on later. The more stuff I type up in the Entria 1 section, the more messed up the continuity will become. Plus, I'm not that fond of the way I wrote about 4 years ago.

S1x's other work:
S1x's Note
The Destruction of Vesser East
The Jewel of Corruption - Map Prologue Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3
Marble - Prologue

CyborboyX's work:
The Matyr of Domus - Prologue