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On the Beat with the Thought Police

And now, our humble, shoddy wares....

The Back Alley of Medical Horrors... enter at your own discretion
Buzz Aldrin's Freak Show (10 ruble entrance fee)
....And the Freak Show Continues
The Humour in Communism
The Official Homepage of the North Korean Government - Awesome doesn't even begin to describe this site....
Christian Science - let the indoctrination begin, little ones... be sure to click on the animals
North Korean military scientists: this is as close to playing T-ball as you will ever get....
Peace, Love & Respect for Big Brother...
Ah yes... more Christians. These people make the Pope sound street-wise
Ah yes (again). Finally, my two greatest shibboleths come together in an inconceivably evil nexus of collusion. (Yes, I'm aware that's redundant.)
For those wanting to see the English language metastasize like colon cancer.....
An introduction to the Shiva Hypothesis....
Because there's a saint for every vice.....
The Church of Euthanasia, where Schiavo's soul rests in heavenly peace (well... flirting with Malthus, to be truthful)

What is the ShIzo? In the words of a former inmate: "What was the ShIzo given for? For whatever they felt like: You didn't please your boss, you didn't say hello the way you should have, you didn't get up on time, you kept extra things in the barracks-- take a day, three, five. You failed to fufill the work norm, you were caught with a girl- take five, seven, or ten What was required of a Sh-Izo? It had to be: (a) cold; (b) damp; (c) dark; (d) for starvation. Therefore, there was no heat." Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, Bk II, pp.415-6. Here you have found the scribblings on the wall of my personal Sh-Izo; for the Sh-Izo means 'penalty isolator' in the argot of Stalin's day. Why the Sh-Izo? Clearly, the correct response is 'Why Not?' My why not is a leap of faith; every proposition relies on its obverse for support, as good old Wittgenstein wrote. In other words: in sickness we find salvation. Or at least something to soothe the stronger schizoid impulses...... Hoy, I'm going to blackmail you into representing me as my defense counsel as I engage upon a spree of larceny, arson and attempted sedition the likes of which Canadian legal annals have never seen. You are my marionette with a LL.B.