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Robbie Walker

There's a link below to Glory Come Down, a Christmas song that leaked out of my head on Dec.14, 2004. The genesis of the song? Two things: first, the haunting 1984 song Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen; second, a simple question by one of my students after listening to Bruce Cockburn's 1991 modern Christmas carol Cry of a Tiny Babe -- "So was Jesus actually a real person..?"

There is in me a deep desire to rejoice, and the laments of pain or tragedy or sadness that sometimes echo in my mind do nothing to stifle that desire. Perhaps, in the end, the conviction that life is strange will give way to the realization that life is strangely wonderful, for glory has come down.

The MP3 song file is 5.2MB; the WMA song file is 3.1MB. Feel free to pass the web-site address to anyone else. And by all means, let me know what you think!

Aunt Grace, may I say this song is for you? May glory come down on your midnight hill.

Glory Come Down MP3 // Glory Come Down WMA // Song Lyrics