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.::Now providing Graphics::.

Yes, its true. PS Next Generation, the site that provides you will all your gaming needs is now providing FREE GRAPHICS. Go to the the section to check it out! And if you want more, be sure to check out Whole World Works
Posted by Josh on August 8 2002 12:02 PM EST
.::Twisted Metal: Small Brawl::.

There has been confirmsion of a new Twisted Metal game, Twisted Metal: Small Brawl will be released for the Playstation 2 game consul. You should not get to excited, judging by the name it is probally a remote control car game. I could be wrong though.
Posted by Josh on July 31 2002 8:47 PM EST

.::Twisted Metal Black Sequal?::.

Recently, on the newest episode of Electric Play, the probability of there being a Twisted Metal Black sequal being produced was hinted. They said it is a very good possibility that they are. It is a rumor and is by no means confirmed. I will post if I hear any more information regarding a Twisted Metal Black sequal.
Posted by Josh on July 27th 2002 4:11 AM EST

.::Site Opening::.

Welcome to the Playstation Revolution. In a few months we will have great reveiws, codes, cheats, and everthing you need to gain the edge in the gaming world. You have jsut stepped into a ring of a revolution. Be sure to check out our brother site, Nintendo Next Generation, created by Chris.
Posted by Josh on July 27th 2002 12:50 AM EST

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©Copyright 2002. All site work and graphic work by Josh Dayton. Speacial thanks to and for providing images. Thank you to Cheat Code Central for powering the code section. And remember, ALL work is by Josh Dayton, and you are not allowed use unless granted permisision. If you ask permision, I will tell you to kiss off.