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Saturday, 5 July 2003

If you Ruled the World by lightbulby
How will you take over the world?
The world would be mine with giant marshmallows! Using a very big bon fire, I'd puff up the ultra-ultra-mega-mega marshmallows with the heat. Then, using a really big helecopter, I'd toss the marshmallows onto all the highly populated cities and make everyone suffer as blobs of gooey clustered people. After a whie, the marshmallow will seep into their brains and make them mindless and willing to do my bidding. And so, using millions of marshmallow zombies, I'd slowly destroy the opposers, and r

What style of government will make the world follow?
Dictatorship is the way to go, with me being the dictator/queen/president/person controlling everyone else.

Where will you live(location and house type)?
I'd live in Hawaii. That's a really nice place, and I'd have the whole island to myself. The only "subjects" able to go there would need to sleep and live in fridges or they'd melt, leaving a very, very low chance of rebellion attack while I'm there.

What will you do with people who oppose you?
Of course, with people who oppose me, I'd most deffinately send a marshmallow people army against them and turn as many as I can into marshmallow followers by sticking them into giant marshmallows as I did when taking over the world. The people it doesn't work to, I'll keep in an underground mine to dig for peanut butter.

Will you have a harem?
What in the world is a harem?

What new holidays will you create?
I'd create a holiday to honor the day they all became marshmallow people and when I became ruler, of course. It'd be called something like, The Last Day.....or something like that. Of course I'd keep all the other holidays, with a little altering to them.

Will you execute people? How?
No, I wouldn't execute people, I'd have other people execute them for me. Only people who really deserve it would be executed. They'd be able to choose from either drowning in a pool of marshmallow goo, (there goes that childhood dream of swimming in jello,) or jumping off a cliff into a bunch of jagged rocks below, or eating a bomb and detinating it themselves.

What will the drug laws be?
No one will be allowed to take any drugs besides stuff like headache stuff...

Will abortion be legal?
Yeah, sure. Why not...

Will meat, leather and fur be regulated by law?
You won't be allowed to kill animals for their fur, or hides, but you'll be able to get meat...but only for me and my family and house. Everyone else will have to convert to vegitarians.

What other laws will you make?
Whatever pops into my mind whenever its most convenient. All laws are only permanent until I say otherwise.

Will you have a royal uniform or clothing style?
Yeah, you have to wear clothes, period.

Will there be any laws about sex?

Anything else you would do?

Any questions you want to add to this?

Meme brought to you by Meme Jack

Posted by on4/mirror_image at 3:20 PM MEST
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