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Ebay Project


All the groups should be finished their reports by now. I am expecting them to be in my mail box anyday now. Thank you to Marketing I have received your report. I am still waiting to get a report from Human Resources,Finance, Operations and Investors.
I am hoping that one person from each group will be able to make it to a couple of meetings before the final report is due so that we can sit together as a group and edit all the reports and polish them up.
I was hoping we could get together on Thursday instead I would appericate if we could get together either on Monday April 7th, Wednesday April 9th and Thursday April 10th(if necessary).

Item has been sold for $9.00 Canadian.
Shipping and Handling $1.00 (stamp and envelope)
Share Price contributed $1.00 each
Pictures(donated)- free

Good Annual Report to look at Gap Annual Report
Ebay Due Dates

Message from HR