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IoW HBA Logo

The Isle of Wight

Hospital Broadcasting Association.

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Bringing Music, Dedications & Local news to the bedside of patients here on the Isle of Wight.

Welcome to the Home page for Isle of Wight Hospital Radio.

Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association. Hospital community radio service for the Isle of Wight. Broadcasting daily to the wards of St. Mary's hospital Newport IoW. Operated by volunteers, the Members of the IOWHBA produce local interest radio programmes for listeners in hospital on the IOW. Radio entertainment to the bed side of patients.

{short description of image}Pages still under developement.I.o.W Hospital Radio Broadcast schedule.Presenters profile pagesLink to our photo archives section.Our Links and contacts page.Pages still under developement.Map and locationTechnical pagesLink to Index of Selected ArticlesNo link{short description of image}

Space reserved for our station sponsors

Would you like to be in this space..... Contact us to help !


Studio Development. Progress Report.

The Story So Far....

In Early 2001, a major development project was started. This involved converting two rooms into a 3rd Studio, and a sound room.

These two rooms will form the heart of a facility which will allow us to produce high quality audio recordings, of the sort needed for 'audio books and manuals'

By Summer we had completed the structural work of soundproofing and most of the wiring (All being done by our two man engineering team of Dennis and Neil, when they had a few spare hours!!!)

Next came the special wall fabric, which has to meet some very stringent fire-proofing regulation specifications.

By Winter 2001 the studios were ready for the finishing fine joinery. With other commitments, this was finally completed in early Spring 2002

The final decorating of one room is now in progress {May 2002} Thanks to the work of Leo, who is spending every spare hour with a paint brush in his hand!

Next...... We plan to start re-furbishing each of the original 2 studios, and the guest/presenter part of studio A.

June 2002...... The decorating of the ground floor reception and entrance is now underway.

Sept 2002...... The work on the reception is now complete, and looking great. We now plan to start work on stairs, corridor and rest room!

Nov 2002...... Decorating and refurbishment continues. The next phase of upgrading our studio network and software systems is in progress. It is expected that this will resolve some automation problems, and enable the studio to expand its broadcasts into unmanned hours.

Update:-June 2003...... With a significant amount of the refurbishment completed, attention is now focusing on the pending Studio A control desk replacement and upgrade {when A is finished, Studio B is next!!!} Fundraising for the £10,000 that it is expected to cost is an ongoing activity..... If you feel able to help, with a donation or programme sponsorship, we would be very pleased to hear from you.

We hope you enjoy browsing through our pages and if you are interested in becoming involved then visit, the 'station info' page or, link to the National Hospital Broadcasting Association web site.

View of St Mary's Hospital, New Phase3 Block.

The Hospital we serve.... St. Mary's here on the Isle of Wight.


OUT NOW! Our 2003-2004 Magazine. Pick up a free copy at our display stand in the main foyer.

We would like to thank the 100 plus local businesses who have advertised in this years patient magazine. Thank You! Your kind support enables its production. We would ask all who read it to consider using their services.

Isle of Wight Hospital Radio 2003 magazine

A few copies of our 2002 magazine are still available. Packed Full of local articles, quizzes and puzzles..... We hope you enjoy reading them both!

2002 patient magazine
southern co-operatives

The Southern Co-operatives' Community Award Scheme. 2003

We would like to thank the Southern Co-operatives' Community Award Scheme for choosing Hospital Radio as one of the local organisations to receive a cheque for £250 in their 2003 awards, to be presented in September.

Details of some of the other groups already receiving a Southern Co-operatives' Community Award, can be seen at their web site.

The National Hospital Radio Awards.

telpearson robbiemac

Our congratulations to Tel Pearson and Robbie Mac.

2003 award

Their entry in the 2003 National Hospital Radio Awards received a Silver in the Best Speech Package Award, with an interview with Jack Douglas. They also took 4th place (one place up from last years 5th place) in the Trailer Section.

With these two years of success and and remembering that another presenter Walt Hughes, won Southern Presenter of the year in 1999, we are all very proud of our Isle of Wight station and the broadcasting standards we have achieved.

If you can help, contact myself and the studio team at the email

DJ duck and Radio Hound patient.©
Our thanks to potting shed cartoons for our mascots!

Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association. Hospital radio service. Broadcasting daily to the wards of St. Mary's hospital. IOWHBA produces local interest radio programmes for listeners in hospital on the IOW.


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Coming events, and a Review of recent News.

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We have finished collecting articles and hospital radio related material for our 2003 Magazine. If you have anything that you would like us to consider for inclusion in the next 2004 issue... then please contact our Station Director, Alex Blades.

Can you help?

We are looking for local and original stories, poems etc, which we can use in our programmes, or as material for this web site/hba magazine.

Also...Images from around the Island, Seasonal landscapes, Events, Historical photographs etc. Do you have any personal pictures, ones that are your own, (ie not subject to additional copyright) that you could loan or donate, giving permission to be scanned, and used in this 'not for profit' project?

All loaned photos / written material can be returned, but it must be OK for them to be put on the Website, or archived to use at a later date.

If so, in the first instance, contact me, Alex Blades.

click here for information on this charity event

More Info....

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fun day

St Mary's Fun Day

5th July 2003

One of the largest and best attended Fun-Day's ever! Well done to all who were involved. Hospital radio captured the event in a series of interviews and photos......

The PHOTOS of the event, click on link....

click here for information on this charity event

Children's Remembrance Service.

HBA was pleased to be asked to provide our public address service again for this annual event. For a small selection of photos. Click Here.

IoW HBA Logo

Our 2003 AGM was on Monday 24th Feb. The committee for 2003-2004 was elected, and their names are listed HERE

Our Special Thanks to:- The St Marys League of Friends.

Hospital Radio has recently taken delivery of a new multimedia computer which is to be used in our Hi-Tec recording studio.

We would like to thank the hospitals League of Friends for the purchase of this computer workstation. Photos and more details available soon.


Loud tie day:-  
 Pictures of the Loud Tie day.

Loud tie day... Pam (ward clerk) with Mark King from Level 42

click here for information on this charity event 

Click above, to see pictures of event.

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snail mail address

The Hospital Radio Studio Complex, St.Mary's Hospital, Parkhurst, Isle of Wight, PO30 5TG.

Contact us for more details....

UK 01983 534396

We are Members of the:- HBA Link
Last update 15th August 2003.

The contents, and information contained in this home site ( and any linked web sites ) does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
The I.O.W.H.B.A is an independent registered charity ( No 263151 ) and is not part of the Isle of Wight Health Authority.
For all hospital or medical information please contact the hospital on 01983 524081 or visit the Isle of Wight Health Authority web site at:-

some sections of this site are still ...
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This site is under continuing expansion and development. More pages will be available shortly, so please come back again soon!

Designed by Alex Blades. This document is maintained for The Isle of Wight Hospital Broadcasting Association (I.O.W.H.B.A).
Material & Photographic Copyright © 2000–2003 Alex Blades